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My experience on Call of Duty: World at War

So, I just recently downloaded the Beta for CoD:WaW the other day, and after playing Call of Duty 4 for a mass amount of months/days/hours/minutes/seconds, I found WaW rather clunky, as if I were playing Perfect Dark Zero in WWII.

Once you get the feel of the game is when you start enjoying it, kinda like reading the first chapter of your favorite book in video game form. The class selection was pretty neat and creative, but I believe Treyarch tried to be too much like Infinity Ward and copied alot of their ideas in the making.

There are a dozen new features, such as weapons,perks,game modes (online co-op). Some of the guns seem way too overpowered, seeing as how I could snipe with a Thompson, and get kills with a Trenchgun from at least 20 feet away.

Treyarch had the smart idea for the WWII theme and replaced Helicopters with Attack Dogs, and I must say they are awesome to have, but hell to deal with, I always hear people saying this when fighting an attack dog "What the hell!? I shot the stupid thing" I believe the dogs are somewhat invincible (SOMEWHAT) while shooting them, so for christ's sake just stab them when they get close.

The vehicle that was "playable" was the tank, which in my experience was amazingly fun, I can't wait to try out the other vehicles in the game as well, for perks they consist of the same thing from Call of Duty 4 along with a few new perks such as "Gas Mask" which protects you from Gas (aka stun grenade WWII style) and a few others that can't be unlocked in the beta.

Overall i'm sure this is a big improvement since Call of Duty 3. NO World at War has nothing on Call of Duty 4, i'm not going to say anything more until the actual game comes out, mainly because we only played the BETA, that means a sample of what the game will BE like, not what it IS like. Hope to see you on the battlefield.