Sorry Bin Laden That_Cool_Guy10np chuck norris
Bleakedout's forum posts
[QUOTE="SirDigby84"]I had to google to find the difference in grips, turns out i use a mix of palm and claw grip, palm on mouse but clawed fingers holding it too. I can see no reason it wouldn't work with a claw grip but can't confirm that as i don't use that grip myself.klavelonWhy would grip matter? As long as you're not wearing a damn gloves or masturbating so furiously your hands are super sticky, you should have no problem with grip, is this an attempt at trolling? i gotta say klav has a v good point there...and it is v important to know these kindda things cuz most ppl forget that online gamers watch rough !@# porno movies...due to there sick relationship between there female family for ur question klav yes i do think u are trolling and i will ask the same question to person who will reply to me.... is this an attempt at trolling?
Stick it in the microwave for 10 minutes to defrost itThat_Cool_Guy10but i gotta say u have to wait to for the right time to pop up the trinket or ull be !@#$ now remmber to dispell ur debuff after doing so cuz ull get max dmg
I'd suggest 32 gigs of ram so it allows you to watch alot of porn i have 32 gigs of ram because i have 6 monitors in crossfire all with 12 porn videos up 2 on each screen while hosting a minecraft server and spooging in my sandwhich i do enjoy to fap aswellThat_Cool_Guy10
nice mate...its pretty high standerds...i only got 4 porn videos up gay porn) playing browser games cuz thats where i meat all the 10 yeat olds ;)
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