Hey Everyone!!!
Been a bit boring this week, nothing really happened, been trying to catch up with TV mostly!!!
American Idol - I must admit i was gutted that David A didn't win, i really did want him to win right from the beginning, but i am still happy that it was a male vs male finale cos i did say right from the beginning that it would be LOL!! And the right two made it!!!! Congrats to David A for making it though, he does have a brilliant voice, just i didn't really connect with him!!
Gossip Girl - I am still not caught up!! i have read what happens in the finale, i can't help but reading spoilers LOL!! I am really shocked!! Dan and Serena!! Everyone knows how much i love them!! I am going to try and catch up with the episodes in the next couple of days!! Really annoying cos in UK we are really behind!!! So have to watch them online!! Just no time LOL!!
Greys Anatomy - WOW!! The series finale!!! I couldn't believe it!! I was crying my eyes out through all of it!!! Seriously!! GA is def back!!!
- First off, the story line of the two medical trail patients!!! That was so cute!! and Jeremy, he was from Prison Break!! Which was really exciting cos i always liked him in that!! I was gutted that he died but really happy that she survived and her surgery was successful!! It was really sad when Derek told her about Jeremy dying, 'Don't say anything, Don't say ANYTHING!! I was in pieces, it really was sad!!
- Lexie and George - I really don't like them as a couple, but i love them as friends and have really warmed to Lexie in the last episodes of season 4 - I really didn't like her at the beginning LOL!! When we found out that George only failed his exam by 1 point!! I couldn't believe it! I am really glad that fought his corner!! He gets to retake it!! YAH!!!
- Alex & Ava - I was in bits when he was crying at the end with Izzie, as much as i do like him and i love seeing his soft side and don't want anything to happen with Izzie, he does love Ava and i don't was him to start things up with Izzie cos he is sad about Ava. I was shocked that they took this storyline with Ava, with the whole crazy thing but i think that they couldn't just move her in and have no drama, this is GA!!!
- Callie & Hahn - I don't like Callie anyway, i never have, but this whole lesbian thing, am i the only one that isn't buying it??? It just doesn't make sense??? I just don't believe the storyline, if they brought someone in new and she started a relationship with Hahn then i would believe it but Callie, i just can't see it! But i do like her with Sloan LOL!!
- Derek and Meredith - YAH!! YAH!!! YAH!! I loved it, the candles were so cute!!! I loved it!!!! I cried like there was no tomorrow!! It was quite embarrassing actually!!! I really hope they stick together and build there house!! She has resolved all her problems with her Mum and i really really hope they can be happy!! I would love a MerDer wedding in season 5!!!
Dirty Sexy Money - This is def one of my fav news programmes this year. I know that this finished in America ages ago and you are waiting for the new season but we have only just finished with season 1 and i loved it!! I absolutely love Jeremy!!! He is brilliant!!
OTH!!! YAH!!! I loved it!! Now i know that loads of people have hated this season but seriously!!! I loved it!!! I have loved that they went four years ahead, I will admit that you could tell that the last half was rushed but that is due to the writers strike, and with the time they were given i think they did an excellent job!!!
- Nathan - Getting his groove back!! I love it, he is back to his best and i love how Jamie is pushing him!! NBA next!!
- Haley - I loved that song!! Feel This, i have been listening to this since i watch the finale, i def want more singing from Haley!! Great song up there with Halo!!
- Brooke - I must admit that i wasn't the biggest fan of the adoption storyline but i thought that it ended brilliantly, it was so sad when she had to give her up!! She really loved her!! I loved how she gave the monkey to Lucas, he was so cute with Angie bless!!!
- Naley household - I loved the swimming scene, i loved how they ended them on a good scene, especially since it started horribly for them!!!
- Mouth - Not excited much about this, but it was great him doing his thing so great!! I much admit i do like him and Mille together, they are cute and i def like her more then Alice and Shelley!!
- Skills & Deb - Seriously, as much as it is funny and don't really see the point in it!! they have to get caught out in season 6 LOL!!
- Dan - I loved when he got run over!! So Mean Girls LOL!! He got what he deserved!! He is going to survived!! Its Dan, he has more lives then a cat!! Especially on finales!!! But i really don't want him to be forgiven by Lucas or Nathan!! I would hate that!! He killed Keith end of!! No going back from that!!
- LEYTON!! YAH!! OMG!! I loved the whole lyrics thing, that was so cute!!! I so am digging Leyton at the moment!! I so hope that he called Peyton, that would be really cute, and unfortunately i think that Lindsey is pregnant, which will screw everything up cos if she is then he will stick with her cos he wouldn't want her to be a single mum like Karen!!! I loved when Peyton said about her dream, the look on this face was so good!! Just let to be her!!!!
Now that most of my fav shows have now ended until fall, i am going to catch up with everything else!! I need to watch:
- Desperate Housewives - I have only watched up to episode 6 of season 4!! I have to watch online and i haven't got round to it yet but i really want to cos i have read of the spoilers and looks so good!!!
- Supernatual - I have never watched this but i have read loads of reviews and everyoe had told me to watch it!! My friend has lent me to first season and i am going to watch it!!! It def looks good!! And the two leads are hot LOL!1
- Prison Break - I don't know why but i always wait for this to come out on DVD and watch it then?? I have done since it started and season 3 came out last week so can't wait to buy this!!
- Brothers and Sisters - I loved this show and i watched every week but it was on a Weds and i started working late on a Weds so kepted missing it!! So the last couple of weeks i have been watching episodes and catching up, still only on 01x16 but i just love it. It is one of though shows that i am laughing one minute and them cring the next!! I just love Justin and Kevin, def my fav characters!!!
Now, since i did the ship questionnaire last week, i thought that i would do some pics of ships and let you know what i think of them!!
Leyton - Love!! They def belong together!! Come on Season 6!! Give me this!!
Naley - The OTH Couple!
Brucas - I loved Brucas in season 3!!! Def just friendship now though!!
Jeyton - They Made season worth watching!! I want Jake to come back!! But not with Peyton LOL!
The OC
Marissa and Ryan - I loved them - Destiny as they say!!
Seth & Summer - the shows most funniest couple!! Loved them!!
Seth and Anna - I loved them together! They were so cute!
Ryan and Taylor - Brilliant in season 4 - The only reason i watched!!
Grey's Anatomy
MerDer - The best couple - so cute!!
Alex and Izzie - I honestly don't know what i feel about them at the minute!!
Gossip Girl - As they don't have as many icons, will just do a mixture!
Dan and Serena - I love, def belong together
Nate and Jenny - Would def be interesting!
Lily & Rufus - SO cute!
Blair and Chuck - So alike!!
It is now my time to leave you all!!
Speak to you all soon xoxo