I don't know if you guys are ready, but I'm doing this anyway. Let me start off by saying that this blog may offend some people. This is what I like to call a semi-rant. It's my opinion folks. I'm entitled. Don't jump down my throat because I don't think the same way you do. But do me a favor and if you're going to read this at all, read it all the way through.
A few blogs back I let you guys ask me whatever you wanted and I answered all questions honestly. That, ladies and gents, was a prime time to ask me the most intrusive and thoughtful questions you could come up with. Needless to say, your questions amused me. I had a good laugh, so many thanks. At the same time I realized you guys know me, but you don't really know me.
-I am not a nice person. I'm a bad person that does good things. I'm a pessimistic realist who dwells in the realm of sarcasm more than I should. I've tried to be nice to people. That is changing. However, I'm trying to keep from being a complete and total b!tch and seeing as how there may be one person reading this, yay me.
-I am opposed to gay weddings. Note the word: weddings. In my eyes, a wedding is a ceremony between man and woman. Again, my opinion. As far as gay marriage is concerned...well, there are more gay married couples than straight ones. So what if there isn't any paperwork to back up the declaration of love? Do you really need piece of paper to say that? And I find it funny that the people opposed to gay marriage are the ones cheating on their spouses.
-I should be dead. I'm not kidding. At 12, I was self destructing quickly. Drugs? Yes. Alcohol? Absolutely. Cutting? Yes. I wanted to die. At least I thought I did. Anything was better than the screwed up reality I was living. Death seemed like a better option. I'm fine now, thank God. Every now and then I have those days were I'd rather be dead. But suicide is a selfish act. And I refuse to believe I'm that selfish.
-I do not believe in falling in love. It's utter nonsense. Loving someone is a choice. I hate these dumb ass movies with lines like 'I've fallen out of love with you' No, you just chose not to love that person anymore. I am a firm believer in being in love. That, however, is a process and a choice. Which is a lot better than just stumbling upon love, don't you think?
-This has been in the back of my mind for a while now. I know that most of you do not believe in God. I do. Very much so. Do I have doubts that he cares about me? Yes. But I know He'll never put more on me than I can bare, and that is why I'm still alive. It's a very comforting thought. And yes, I do have a firm grip on reality.
-I don't believe in sex before marriage. In my opinion, giving yourself in that manner is for your spouse. It's a gift and not something I take lightly. And if the other person cannot wait, I don't give a damn how much they say 'I love you'. They're being selfish. Love is patience. (WHO'S THE PRUDE NOW BM???) :lol:
-Everything we do in the natural has a spiritual consequence.
-No word, let me repeat, no word should be banned from use. Ever. As a writer I can't condone the abolishment of words.
-If someone asks you if Hip Hop is dead, tell them "No, it's on life support". It is, sadly. And corporate America has its hand on the plug waiting for the chance to pull it. This crap on MTV and BET make the youth of this planet look sex driven, immature and illerate. No wonder some people don't take us seriously. Sadly, its the same people that don't take us seriously and look down on us that provide/promote these dumb ass shows and dumb ass songs.
-Racism is alive and well. Don't let anyone tell you differently. Evidence: On Mother's Day Parental Unit M, my gramma, my grandpa, my uncle and myself went to dinner. We were already seated, when this white family came in, took one look at us and told the host that "We don't want to sit in here with the negros". Their option was to either grin and bear our presence or leave. They left. And I can't tell you the number of times that I was called a cute little *N word* girl when I was little.
-You all may recognize when I say something regarding a friend called Nels. We have a rough history. I saved her life to put it bluntly. Her parents are the **** holes that forgot her birthday. They've done worse, but I'm not going to get into detail. But I thought I was saving her life, she ended up saving mine at the same time. I will ALWAYS thank God for putting her in my life.
-I almost didn't graduate high school. I'm not smart by any means but that was not an excuse in this situation. I was just lazy. Luckily, Loki was a lazy ass too. I only did the work so he could copy off of me. In the end, I graduated because of him.
-I'm against the war in Iraq. Admittedly, I was for going into Iraq to check for WMD, but there were none. So WTF are we still doing there? I'm also against it for personal reasons. My mother, brother, and two cousins are in the military. My mom was already shippped to Germany for two years. If this war claims their lives...well, you know how I am about family.
-I'm pro choice regarding abortion. Only because these dumb ass b!tches aren't equipped to be mothers. Their own mothers aren't equipped. So who is going to raise these parentless children? The media. Ya'll already know how I feel about that.
Hope you don't mind who I am, because I can't help it.