Last blog was Fields of Innocence. Lottie got it. She won my love and affection. :D
Well, it's the end of the month. Yeah, this is the end of the month blog. For the newcomers, this is where I recap the events that took place this month. Seeing as how I have not killed anyone nor myself, I'd say it was a pretty decent month.
Well, it's my three month anniversary...sort of. *plays LP* Victoria will be no secret at the end of the day its our anniversary *shoots LP* Wrong song. Oh well. Let's get sentimental. No, I'm not gonna pull a Lil and make you cry. I just wanna say, I love you guys. I feel like I've known you guys forever. We're more alike than I would prefer, but whatever.
Clo: now known as Mama Clo. I think she was the first friend I made...and we met after I realized I was stalking her in the Miami threads. :lol:
Jenne: I don't even know how to put into words how completely and totally awesome/wendy she is.
Heather: Swear you're in my head. But that's fine. I think you're the closet to me other than Jenne out of everyone in the Wendy bunch. Mainly because you sleeptype.
Weights/Kris: Hello. I am your future self. Be afraid.
Lottie: You are the funniest, most sarcastic however the hell old you are I think I've ever met. And I am also your future self. Yes, be afraid.
Lil: I'm mean to you for no reason at all but you take it well. *applause* few can do that :D. I love you long time though. AND I DON'T DO DRESSES!
Ellen: You're like my confidante or something. Thank you for listening and all that jazz ;)
Charlotte: You are still a new friend to me. And yet, I think you're one of the craziest among us. Yay you.
BM: honestly I'm still kinda intimidated by you. But you make people feel welcome and like an old friend you haven't seen in a while. Very few people can do that without being creepy. Fortunately, you are not one of those people. :lol:
Suz: The Nag. And that's okay with me :D Think of me as another brat.
Gwen: you make me smile when I see that you're on. No idea why. But thanks for the smile :D
Chantel: RULER OF ALL THINGS MAC!! *bows* *is not worthy*
Eric: *sigh* Swear, you're the little brother. But that's okay. Cuz you're wendy.
Time for my thoughts, or as Lottie likes to call them, my gems:
-Looks like I won't be going to Vegas for Sibling Unit S's wedding. She keeps changing the date for it...probably because she's sick of hearing Parental unit M b!tch
-Tylenol 8-hour is the best damn pain reliever I've ever taken. Vicodin ain't got sh!t on 8 hour Tylenol.
-I am addicted to Dr. Pepper. There has got to be something in it. Friggin ridiculous
-Depending on you the way I do is the dumbest thing I could possibly do. But who else can I trust?
-If I had a twin I don't think we would get along very well. We'd get on each others nerves
-I flipped through my photo album and realized that as I got older my smile got smaller and smaller until it didn't exist at all
-It's funny. The people ya go to school with and swear you'll stay friends with, fade into the background until they're not even a thought. You don't even remember their names.
-Being invisible isn't always a bad thing
-The line 'I'm a sarcastic, pessimistic statistic, Suffering from chronic depression, paranoia and road rage' shall be amended to 'enjoying paranoia and road rage' until further notice
-Loki and I often speak in British and New York accents for sh!ts and giggles
-Speaking of him, he was deeply disappointed in me when I told him I have AIM. Yes, I conformed for all of you *points at you*
-His smile could melt frozen butter
-Can vampires get AIDs?
-I'm here, there and everywhere without leaving this place
-A broken heart is not easily mended, however, it is possible
-he makes me seem like a DORK! Making me sing and what not *mumbles*
-I'VE FALLIN IN LOVE WITH YOU!! There! I said it!! But if you aren't gonna be there when I get up, tell me now. I wouldn't be able to handle the heartbreak of you not being there when I look up
-sadly, I'm with you but dream of another
-I think I still love him. Damn all our dreams to hell.
Done with that. Moving onto Ringtones. My phone goes off and its like an assemble of randomness.:
1. All Around Me
2. The Doom Song
3. Eleanor Rigby
4. Elmo's song with a twist
5. Good Enough
6. Hide and seek
7. Imperial March
8. Its Alive
9. Its Yo Mama
10. Just like you imagined
11. Oompa Loompa song
12. R You That Somebody
13. Sanctuary
14. Simple and Clean
15. Stewie
16. Teardrop
17. Twisted Nerve
18. White Rabbit
Recent random news
My mom really has lost her mind this time. If you didn't know, she's in the Army reserve. She's going to Texas for two weeks for Captain training. Meaning she will not be in California, let alone Stockton, for two entire weeks. Do you know what that means to me? I'll have the whole house to myself. For. Two. Weeks. PARTY TIME!! No I'm kidding. If I threw a party I would have to clean up after those people and I hate nothing more than cleaning up after people who didn't care about the mess they made in the first place. If anything, I'll stay out later than curfew and maybe have a few friends over for a kick back. Nothing major for the mothers reading, I promise.
I may be moving soon. That is a huge might. I might be moving to Sacramento to live with a friend. Well actually, she's a friend of my sister but we're still really close. She needs someone she can trust to help her around the house and with her son. I need to free myself of Parental Unit M. Pretty good catch right? Well, ironically, the only way it will work will be in A) Mommy dearest sponsors me for awhile which will require 400 dollars a month OR B) I get a steady job and help pay rent myself. Hopefully, the lady I work for now will be elected into office and I'll have a steady job as her staff or something like that. Plus, the friend I'll be moving in with, thinks I have 'potential as a music producer' and said that seeing as how she already has her own web design business, we could partner up once I'm legit as far as being a producer is concerned. Future is looking bright and I'm counted my blessings. Now let's hope things work out.
My brother and his wife, Bianca, were pregnant a few months ago. Yes, were. She miscarried and we were all broken up about it. Especially my nephew. He called the baby Pickle because he was told it was about the size of a pickle. So about a month ago, my brother sent me a text talking about how 'the heartbeat is strong'. Of course I have a WTF are you talking about moment and then I asked 'Bianca's preggers?' The answer is yes. They're pregnant again. The whole family is JUICED (exicted)!!!! Ima be an auntie...again. Some more. And my nephew is convinced its gonna be a girl. And her name will be Bria. Funny because my brother's name is Breland, his wife's name is Bianca and my nephew is a junior. The B Reeds. Cute...*vomits*
And last but not least: Me love him very long time. Me told him me love him very long time. Him tell me same. Me scared as hell.
Regarding the road trip:
1. I am not going to be the only one driving. Jenne and Weights should be able to drive in the states when the time comes...dammit.
2. We are sooooooo playing Guitar Hero on the trip. Add it to the list of activities. I'm saving up for an Xbox 360 as we speak
3. I am not wearing a dress. Kiss my ass. I'm not doing it
4. We must go visit Suz so we can meet Brat. Period. :D
5. Very few of us will be able to drink. I am one of those people. No I will not buy you alcohol no matter what puppy eyes you throw at me. However, if I ever push my limit which I won't, I'm depending on you guys to save me if some ugly guy starts flirting with me and I'm flirting back. :lol:
6. We're gonna need a 15 passenger van even though there's gonna be only eight of us
7. We must call everyone in the phone books with the names of our favorite CSIs. Add that to the list of activities
8. Kris (Weights), don't worry about telling your mama about the road trip. We're just gonna kidnap you.
9. We're gonna need to keep the franjanjan to a minimum. I'd rather not go to jail while on vacation. Even though you know you have real friends when they're sitting in the same jail cell as you. Loki can bail us out. :lol:
10. I pray you guys know the meaning of packing light, changing a tire, and pumping gas. If not, we're cancelling this right now.
For sh!ts and giggles...CROSSOVER SHIPS! Jenne: "Because they're all hoes anyway." These are either ones I've read, ones I've seen wallpapers or videos for or ones that I think would be interesting. I'll show which is which.
Catherine/Horatio-interesting/read (there was on screen chemistry. Do not deny it)
Catherine/Flack-interesting (matching sarcasm and wit?)
Catherine/Mac-interesting (no idea why)
Calleigh/Nick-read (it was a very weird fic)
Calleigh/Warrick-interesting (no idea but they did look fairly decent on camera together)
Calleigh/Mac-wallpapers (I kid you not there were wallpapers)
Calleigh/Danny-interesting (he likes country girls :?)
Stella/Horatio-interesting/read (same as Catherine)
Stella/Warrick-interesting (he would probably see her like another Catherine. The unattainable)
Sara/Horatio-interesting/read (it was a really good fic too)
Sara/Speedle-interesting/read (the fic was weak but I can dig the ship)
Sara/Flack-interesting (they would find the other slightly amusing)
Natalia/Greg-fan video (it was all wrong, just wrong)
Sofia/Speedle-interesting (sarcasm and wit)
Sofia/Ryan-interesting (no idea why)
Sofia/Flack-interesting (sarcasm and wit)
Valera/Greg-interesting (pure geekiness)
Wendy/Adam-interesting (pure awesomeness, or should I say, wendyness) 8)
Song of the Month is: Talk Show Host by Radiohead
Random: I've started to read the Animorphs series all over again for no reason whatsoever.
I may post links later
Happy Hunting ;)