I'll be missing for a while. I'll try to be on to discuss CSI and stuff like that but other than that: Later. I stole a quiz. Amuse yourselves.
01. Do you own a box full of receipts? more like a drawer
02. Is Dory your hero? No. Now ask me if she's awesome
03. Did you own a ponch, during the craze? no
04. Stripes or polka dots? neither
05. Do you like taking pictures of yourself? Hell no. I run from cameras
06. Are Irish or Australian accents better? I like both
07. Would you prefer to be eaten alive by Lions or Vultures? I would prefer to not be eaten
08. Muse or My Chemical Romance? MCR
09. Do you own any beads? I dont flash...
10. Hot pink or lime green? green. any form of pink makes me sick
11. Do you own your own mini library? used to
12. Are spin-tops cool? seeing as how I don't remember wat they are, no
13. Do you have a Seal called Pickles? No, but I do have a pickle named Seal
14. Do you prefer Dragons or Unicorns? Dragons..guardians to my lair
15. What the name of the little elephant in the Jungle Book? He doesn't have a name, they just call him son or Sonny
16. Do you have Green eyes? no
17. Do you have your lip pierced? no
18. Are snakes cool? Do birds fly?
19. Do you know where Cyrenaica is? Part of Libya I believe
20. Who plays the Emporer in the film Gladiator? Joaquin Phoenix..great movie
21. What's your favorite Disney film? I like all the Disney CLA SSICS. Not all this new sh!t
22. Tigger or Eeyore? I'm a strange mixture of both. SO both
23. Converse All Star or Vans? both
24. Did Amanda Burton star in Silent Witness or Waking the Dead? Silent Witness
25. Which Harry Potter actor/actresses do you prefer, Daniel Radcliffe or Rupert Grint or Tom Felton or Emma Watson? Emma. She was going to walk away from the films. That takes heart.
26. Are you a "Chav"? Thats like asking a German if they're a Whigger. WTF?
27. Do you agree that Clacton is "Chav" central? Who the flip is Clacton and why should i care
28. Have you ever watched Complete Savages on Nickelodeon? I stopped watching Nick when I was like ten, so no
29. Have you ever read The Old Kingdom series, by Garth Nix? no
30. Do you like the name Mohamed? No
31. Do you sleep with a comfort blanket/toy? Its actually a pillow
32. Do you think Dumbledore is actually dead? Do you bleed black blood?
33. Sid the Sloth rocks, yes or no? What are your thoughts on the subject...I'll wait
34. The Snorks or the Smurfs? Smurfs. After a while the Snorks just got irritating
35. Do you know anyone called Penelope? No
36. Dick Darstardly or Mutley? Mutley
37. Have you heard the theme tune to CSI: New York? Have you?
38. Do you often remember your dreams? Not all the time
39. Do you like Anime? Some...SAMURAI CHAMPLOO
40. Do you like Pokemon? For like ten minutes. I'm gonna start talking like them. Lani. Lanilanilani. Lei. Lanilei
41. Horror, Thriller, Romance or Comedy films? Horror is comedy
42. Have you ever been labeled a "Nerd"? No. I've been called a prude and a whore by the same person though. :lol: Me love Loki long time
43. Have you ever called someone a word that they don't wanna hear? He won't tell me wat it is. Freakin scrotum face
44. Are you a Myspace addict? no
45. Minnie or Mickey mouse? Mickey
46. Do you agree with Abortion? I don't get down with abortion
47. Do you have a favorite swear words, if so what? I love'em all. Damn and f*ck in particular
48. What's your favorite thing about yourself? My eyes cuz their huge!!
49. Money or Love? Love, I've been living with out money for a while now :)
50. Are you Bisexual? I can't stand girls.('cept you guys. you guys are okay) They're so dramatic...so NO
51. Favorite make-up product? I dont wear make up
52. Most recent, embarrassing moment? I swore at my sister in law over the phone and the whole family heard me cuz I was on speaker and I didnt know
53. OMFG! Murphy got shot! Do you care? I'm the one who shot Murphey
54. Do you support a football team? Raiders. Yes I know we suck
55. Do you know how to play Chess? a little
56. Do you like the film "Miss Congeniality 2"? Not as good as the first one
57. Do you like the "Whiskers, Oh So Fishy" Advert? I dont have a cat, so no
58. Do you reckon you have no friends? Reckon? Seriously?
59. You like Smirn Off Ice? No, I like Smirnoff Ice, b!tch. Spell it right.
60. Do you like the song "Everytime we touch" by Cascada? No. It makes me think about molestation. And who likes that? You do, you perv.