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Quizzes and Quizzes and Quizzes...oh my!

Last blog was Delicate by Damian Rice.

No 1:

What song are you listening to right now? When You're Gone-Avril Lavigne

What's on your right? printer

If you were a crayon, what color would you be? black

Where would you like to go on your honeymoon? *shrugs* hotel with good room service :D

Who would you like to spend the rest of your life with? My love

How many GOOD friends do you have? several

Have you ever gotten high? Yes I have

How did you sleep last night? you mean this morning. just fine thank you for asking

Who do you admire? My father

Which actors/actresses do you hate? Megean Good and Halle Berry

How old are you? 19

Hair color? darkish brownish

What color are your eyes? chocolate

Have you ever had braces? No

Do you wear contacts? No

Do you have any siblings? How old are they? Sibling unit B is 24 and sibling Unit S is 27

What do you like to do? this...did you see it? No? Oh :(

What's the best piece of advice you've ever gotten? In all your getting, get an understanding

What's your dream car? dont have one

What's your favorite food? mac....and cheese

Favorite TV show? CSIs

Favorite movie? Don't have one

Favorite month? Oktober

Favorite drink? apple juice

Do you like to dance? only when I'm alone

What did you think of this questionnaire? It's ok.

No 2:

Are you in a relationship with anyone? sorta kinda

Have you kissed somebody in the last 2 months? nope

Who was the last friend you were chillin with? Loki and Monkey Lady

Miss someone? NELS! :cry:

How's your ex doing? Do you care? Not so good but I don't care

Want to fight? tell me what for

Are you loyal? indeed

Song playing? System-Chester Bennington

What are you doing today? try

What are you excited for? ROAD TRIP!

What's annoying you right now? Parental Unit M...already

What does the 12th message in your inbox say? probably something from Jenne about...

Would you prefer someone who is romantic or spontaneous? Romantically spontaneous

Are you tired? not really

If somebody liked you right now, what would be a cool way for them to tell you? sing it to me in a bad singing voice

What kind of socks do you have on? my mommy's socks

what color shirt are you wearing? army fatigue shirt

What will you do Saturday? no idea

does your family own any mansions? :lol::cry::lol:...maybe

Do you have any interesting bruises or scars? yes

Where were you at noon today? with you, you don't remember?

How long does it take you to get ready to go out?: ten minutes

Do you like books? uh huh

No 3:

1. Use the first letter of your last name to answer the questions. Ok then...
2. What is your last name? Random
3. Something in your house? reading material
4. Something you would eat? raisens
5 Name of a store? Ross
6. State name? Rhode Island
7. Name a type of animal? rodent
8. Brand name of shoe? Reebok
9. Product name? radio
10. TV show? Robot Chiken
11. Type of soda? dunno
12. 5 letter word? rains
13. Name of a president? Ronald Regan
14. Type of car? Roadster
15. Name of a tool?
16. Something you would find in the sea? red sand
17. Name of a band? BE MORE SPECIFIC
18. Clothing brand? dunno
19. Celebrity? Robert de Niro

20. Name of a magazine? I DEFICATE ON MAGAZINES
21. Something you would find in your closet? red sweater
22. U.S. city?
23. Street name? Roosevelt
24. Type of perfume or cologne? no idea
25. Something you would find in an office? reading material?

I'm still answering questions in my last blog, so post a comment on that one and I'll answer.
Happy Hunting ;)