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Why Am I Here?

*Hangs head in shame* I know I said I was going to wait until the end of the week to post my thoughts, but there are too many things floating in my head right now. You'll get another one on Friday, I can promise you that. You can drink to this one. This is one of my more serious blogs.

-I like David Caruso's work in 'King of New York' more than in CSI:Miami.

-Why haven't you all spread the word on this whole White Rabbit Conspiracy? Hm? We need to be prepared people! The world is not ready.

-My best friend's parents forgot her birthday. What kind of f*cked up world do we live in where parents forget their child's birthday? Oh wait...we live in this one.

-I have a playlist for just about every emotion. Give me an emotion and I'll give you at least three songs.

-Give me a reason to love you -Portishead

-Clo: look up the lyrics to Flyleaf's 'All Around Me'. What do you think they're talking about?

-I laugh to keep from crying.

-If I have never made you laugh, ever, why are we still friends

-Being a writer is my plan B. Now all I need is a plan A

-I swear more when I write than when I speak

-Life and death are in the power of the tongue ;)

-He made my day better..again

-Berries and cream berries and cream!

-Forgive me for being insensitive, but if you can't breathe without air, why the hell are you singing?

-And don't love someone that much to the point where you can't breathe without them. Its never that serious.

-I miss my dad. I just can't bring myself to call him back

-My mother has lost her ever loving mind.

-Life is not fair. Who said it would be? Get over it.

-Stand By Me is one of my favorite movies. Is that a problem for you?

-Metacomprehension. Maybe a few of you know what I'm talking about. If not, that is another lesson

-I love him and I told him so. I'm glad he knows, just in case I never see him again

-Why is everyone from my graduating cl.ass having babies? Are they the new craze. An infant with some crocs is very sty.lish this season...WTF? I guess everyone is allergic to latex.

-I would give you the world. All you have to do is ask.

-Sometimes I feel like a motherless child...and then I think about Kiki and Mama Kim and Clo. Then I start laughing my head off.

-I have the goofiest brother and nephew on the planet! And I wouldn't trade them for anything

-Loki is mine. All mine. No you can't have any... :lol: I play Loki, I play :P

-There are no age limits when it comes to wisdom

-Send me. I'll go ;)

-If I were in Star Wars, I'd be a Sith. Not because I'm 'evil'. But because the Jedi wanted to keep the force balanced, therefore, holding themselves back from the possible power hidden inside of them. Don't hate the Sith for bettering themselves

-The main goal of a Sith apprentice is to kill their master. This marks the end of their training.

-Ignorance better be blissful with all the idiots roaming around here.

-What am I supposed to be doing right now?

-I'm not afraid of commitment. I don't have trust issues. I am afraid that I might say 'I do' to the wrong person.

-I don't wanna be a b!tch, but being nice to @ssholes isn't working out either.

-True or false: I am shy when I first meet people?

-I've seen A Scanner Darkly and if you're not high as a kite, you won't get it

-Horatio and I like to watch CSI:NY on Wednesdays and CSI on Thursdays. After that, I'm Speedle's for the rest of the week. What? There's enough me to go around :lol:

-I drive crazy. I push the limit and I stay in control. Stunt driver anyone?

-Something is wrong with me. There is a piece of my heart missing and I keep trying to fill it with things that just can't compensate

-I gotz big eyes :oops: Ask Lottie, Heather, Claudia or Loki. They've seen a pic of me.

-I have a Myspace, Livejournal and a facebook. I also have a account and a fanfic account. I am officially ....a fangirl *hangs head in shame*

-The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had - Gary Jules (originally Tears for Fears)

-I have a Dictionary of Justice. Horatio has his Sunglasses of Justice. Whats your *blank* of Justice?

-When I love, I love for good.

-When I'm serious people think I'm joking. When I'm joking, people think I'm serious. I don't know what to do anymore...

This is probably one of the longest blogs I've ever done like this.