Hello all! Last blog was In the End by Linkin Park.
Just a couple of things this time around. I feel like I'm robbing you all of a good blog. Sorry about that but time is limited.
Life in general: California is on F I R E. A section of my town was on fire for a while. They shut down the interstate. I'm okay though. But this made me realize that whenever something bad in the world happens I take a mental roll call of every one here. Like the earthquake in China. I was panicked until I saw Lottie posted a new blog. I haven't heard from Jenne yet. I'm not sure if she's further north or south of where I am. I've talked to Clo though. She's not too far from me. I think she's ok.
Other sh!t: you remember when I said I'll have to house to myself while parental unit M is gone? Things have changed. Her annoying ass brother will be staying with me. She told me like this:
Mom: I trust you. But for my own peace of mind I want your uncle to stay with you.
Me: So, basically, you don't trust me and uncle will be here to babysit, yes?
Mom: No, I said I do trust you.
Me: You said but. That cancels out everything you just said. So just tell me the truth and we can get on with it.
She kept saying she trusted me...but. It kills me softly. If she doesn't trust me I would rather she tell me than me walk around not really knowing.
Writing: I'm still working on a bunch of things but I'm starting to feel like Jenne, overwhelmed.
YoBling challenge
RaVe challenge (AGAIN)
Greather (I'm still working on it)
Dreams (you are not ready)
SoNic fic
and a possible Grillows (kiss my ass, I've given GSR. An entire fic even, kiss my ass)
Other side of the law fic ( I was gonna do it for Miami but I'm doing it for LV instead because I want Lottie to read it. Feel special.)
Internet connection: Things are starting to look up right now. We'll be using SBC DSL instead of comcast (who gets fisted) However, we need to activate the account first. All i know is that if I don't have internet connetion while mother is away, I'm going to kill my uncle. The only thing keeping me sane are the text messages and The Sims 2. By the way Heather I know a bomb diggidy site where you can download stuff for your sims. You gotta register but its free. Modthesims2.com. Yes I'm a dork.
Whore: Well seeing has how I'm not on that much I have to give the many tasks as me to someone else.
Heather: I'm asking because we're both on the same forums if you could update the lists and what not. Miami birhtdays, where are you (Miami) and the Wendy thread. If you could do that that would be awesome
Lottie: Hold down the Evanescence for me til I get back on full time.
Lil: You are to uphold the random. You're already doing a bang up job
Ellen: You're the FF whore until further notice. I still wanna read that Gil/Doc fic. :lol:
Kris: You are also gonna have to be an FF whore. Look for some good angst for me. I'm betaing a super, sugary sweet fic and I need to balance that out with some character death. :D (I'm only slightly kidding)
I think that is all. Right now I'm kickin' it with my cousin at my nan's house yo. (You can say it Heather. I promise you won't sound stupid :lol: )
Happy hunting ;)