Blk_rse88 / Member

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You said You would never leave me. I believe You. I believe.

IF YOU CAN FIGURE THIS OUT I NEED YOUR ADDRESS SO I CAN HUG YOU FOR REAL!!! *ahem* You should know the drill by now: Title and artist please. :D

Due to my irritation level with human beings, I'm gonna go political real quick and then I'll be done. Hope that's cool with you cuz I'm doing it anyway. I was surprised when Hilary Clinton took Pennsylvania, in a pleased way. I have no problem with Obama, I have a problem with his supporters. He's running for President, not releasing a CD. Stop advertising him like he's the new Tupac. He's polititian for goodness sake. And these people at booths trying to get people to vote for him should know what his policies are instead of referring people to his website. To all you who are voting, know the candidates policies and vote based on that, not whether they can make fun of themselves on Saturday Night Live or have turned a speech into a song. Be informed, that is all I ask. I'm done :D.

So, this fic me and Jenne are working on looks awesome. I'd read it. :lol: We've still got a long ways to go though. This fic is gonna be a long one apparently...maybe...Who the hell knows? I don't.

What time is it? QUIZ TIME!! Stole this from Heather/Weights ;)

1. ...cheated on someone? Never, I don't want anyone to feel that hurt because of me
2. ...fallen off the bed? yes, and it was the top of a bunk bed
3. ...broken someone's heart? Yes...
4. ...had your heart broken? Numeruos occasions
5. ...had a dream come true? yes, creepy
6. ...done something you regret? whats life without regrets

1. What do you/did you want to be when you finish(ed) school? a writer
2. What has been the best day of your life? everyday is a blessing, some more than others ;)
3. What comes first in your life? its a three-way tie sadly
4. What are you most scared of? forgetting who I am

5. What do you usually think about before you go to bed? what to write for a fic/poem/song
6. Did you lose someone you really loved? yes
7. Love your family? for the most part

2. Like anyone? Yes, he's a sweetheart
3. Have any piercings? just my ears but I want my eyebrow pierced
4. Drive? HELL YEAH! Its calming
5. Ever Smoked? Yes
6. Tattoos? None yet

1. Movie: I have too many
2. Song: too many
3. Ice Cream Flavor: Mint chocolate chip
4. Fruit: grapes or strawberries
5. Candy: chocolate
6. Day of the Week: Wednesday, at this point I usually think 'its almost over. Just two more days'
7. Colour: black

1. to give hugs? not really
2. to walk in the rain? as long as I dont get nappy
3. ...prefer black or blue pens? depends on what for
4. to travel? yes
5. ...sleep on your side? I flip-flop
6. ...have a goldfish? had one named Fish. he lives with my daddy
7. ...ever have the falling dream? almost every night
8. ...have stuffed animals? yes! I got a teddy bear named Buddy and he's wendy 8)

1. Pierced nose or tongue? nose, girls with pierced tongues I have to say it
2. MTV or BET? You mean Mindless TV and Black Exploitation Television? I hate both
3. 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? both are stupid to me
4. Sugar or salt? salt
5. Silver or gold? silver
6. Chocolate or flowers? chocolate
7. Colour or Black-and-white photos? I like both
8. M&Ms or skittles? both
9. Stay up late or sleep in? stay up late
10. Hot or cold? hot
11. Ketchup or mustard? niether
12. Spring or Fall? Winter
13. Happy or sad? I like that beautiful gray area
14. Wonder or amazement? wonder
15. Mexican or Italian food? REAL italian food I am not a fan of, us American's have no idea. I like Mexican food...the REAL kind.
16. O.C. or Laguna Beach? both have a made Californian's look like stupid ass people with no sense of right and wrong so I'll say niether

Happy hunting ;)