Last blog was Daydream by Lupe Fiasco feat. Jill Scott. Loki got it. I know what you're thinking.
You: But, Lani! You said you don't listen to Hip Hop
Me: I don' least not all this new crap that calls itself music. I'd rather have the instrumental with the chorus but whatever.
And do me a favor and not drink. I kinda ranted a bit and I don't want any choking. Thanks in advance.
So, I've been really b!tchy lately. It's the heat. I don't do heat well. Add stupid people with stupid questions and I'm a ticking franjanjan time bomb. No joke. So if I seem snappy with people, I'm in that place where I don't give a f*ck about hurt feelings.
There's a new thread in the CSI New York thread asking the question 'Is New York the best CSI?' WTF do you think people will say? "Well I actually can't stand CSI New York and I'm a closet Horatio/Grissom fan but I hang out on the NY boards for the f*ck of it." And then, in the Miami forums, some retard made another thread to discuss the season finale. Um...HELLO!!! There is already a damn thread for that dumb ass. WTF?!?!? Seriously, common sense ain't so common and good sense is even harder to find. But WTF ever. Even the CSI threads are acting up. Why would you critique the entire season based on the fact that Sara was not there? Makes no sense to me. We finally get to see what things may have been like before Sara arrived in Vegas. And at least she's alive dammit. 'I want Sara back! :cry:' Well what about Warrick? ':shock: Who?' I don't get down with stupid. Season 8 was a great season. Sara or no Sara. AND IT'S NOT THE GSR SHOW!! It's CSI Las Vegas. The whole team people, the whole team.
Nearly died on Monday. These ass farts refuse to use their blinkers. I guess it's against their religion because these people are serious. 'Using my blinker is a sin!' THEN SIN DAMMIT!! Friggin f*ck 'tards driving the streets these days!! It's ridiculous. And then some people insist on braking every 2.9 seconds for the hell of it when no one is in front of them. NO ONE!! THIS IS CALIFORNIA PEOPLE WE ARE SOME OF THE BEST DRIVERS IN THE WORLD ACT LIKE IT!!! *breathe* Can you tell I'm pissed about this? You would be too if a huge 'land destroyer' cut you off in damn near bumper to bumper traffic without using their blinker in 98 degree weather while in a car that has an A/C that's acting up. Yea, sh!t is rough right now.
So Lil, sweet girl, asked me whether I preferred to be called Leilani, Lani or Leila. You guys can call me Lani or Leila on here but please, for the love of the children, call me Leilani on the road trip. I don't mind the shortened version when it's typed but I hate the way it sounds in real life. But I'm sure by that time you will have already created some random ass nickname for me.
I offered to be Heather's b!tch until further notice and she passed that up to make me write a Greather fanfic. You're either thinking one of two things or both. 1. Heather is friggin retarded for passing up having Leilani as her b!tch OR 2. Oh dear God! Some one is actually gonna write a Greather fic I'M NOT READY!!! Yea, I'm gonna write it. It's gonna be case based so it may take a super long ass time but I will do it.
Speaking of fanfiction, for some reason you gotta shoot someone to make some people review *coughWEIGHTScough* :D. But that last chapter of HHT was dubbed 'the most f*cked up so far'. I also find it completely hilarious that along with the best family fic nomination, it was also nominated for best humor. Funny because I'm sure no one is laughing right now...except maybe me :lol:
TV is pissing me off. First Warrick, now H. And in all seriousness, if H dies, I'm done. I'm done with, I'm taking my fics off the net and I may just delete my lj account. It's complete and utter bullsh!t and I really don't wanna do it but I swear I will. Looks like I better wrap some things up before September then, huh? :lol: But seriously, I'm sick of them killing off characters. One (Speedle) is enough, two(Aiden)? Whatever. But three (Warrick) and four (Horatio)? There has got to be another way. Let's try and be a bit more creative, shall we?
I haven't written a poem in ages and, due to recent events, that should be some concern. Usually when I'm in a good place in life I write about it. Not so this time around. I guess I really am scared to get my hopes up. Ellen knows what I'm talking about.
And apparently SOMEONE has an It that she will surely deny. :lol: I name no names ;)
I'm tired and pissed off, but I still need to do the dishes so...
Happy hunting ;)