Yo mushroom. Look I suugest that u should start first with director. Its shockwave i kno but wtf its the same coding language as flash. Flash its a bit more complicated. In director u can choose java or lingo as language (start with lingo). First go and do a search on google about director to learn the interface(it resembles as flash a bit but its less pain in the neck) and about lingo. Some tutz u kno. Then start doing some animation and play with globalz first. Ull kno what i mean when ull start to work with the software. After that start to do some mathematical related programming cuz thatz the core of programming and do after that some minigames. Im currently making a shooter game in director and until now it took me 1-2 months of working with a friend (hes doing the graphics) and its only 50% really finished. Anyway good luck yo! Tchiao
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