numerous things.
First of all, remember the Dreamcast? Remember that tiny self-contained memory unit that was also a game, the Visual Memory Unit? I loved that device. Granted, they have followed in the Unit's footsteps by changing some of the game code for Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 for the Chao Garden, but the VMU is still a relic that deserves to be remade.
Next, making us guess about Shenmue III. I finally found the second game and while old in many ways, it is still the game I remember from the Dreamcast, just larger. The game is coming, but from the dark. You cannot rush revenge.
Lastly, keeping the original Sonic alive with the GBA/DS titles. I love the 3D games, despite the bad rep. Most of it, I believe, comes from a lacking area in the story department, and even more so from the seeming lack of drive to flesh out the characters when their parts are translated into English. However, the Japanese approach good and evil much more openly than we do. I.E., they use weaker words than we do when storytelling. It's why characters like Sonic/Robotnik are perceived weaker as enemies than they really are. The dialogue doesn't change much after a trip overseas.
So, let's cross our fingers and see what Bioware/Sonic Team have in store for us later this year. My support is behind Sonic Team because if they can make a game like Sonic Adventure, the original of which is rated as a 9.1 on this site, I have no doubt they can do it again.
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