Do Microphone headsets work on resident evil 5? i had mine on the other night but the other person didn't seem to listen to me.
Also who knows when i'll be back online, still waiting for our router off sky so that i can get online after this contract runs out.
My god i thought the brother in arms: hells highway would have a little blood, but it's not even got what i'd call a little bit of blood it's a couple a drops lol i was hoping for a couple of good gun shot wounds none are even present do you shoot peas or rocks insted of bullets? The only saving grace is the grenades and bazooka should a german be stood on the grenade it blows limbs left right and center, but again there is no blood, just a bloody stump with bone sticking out as for the bazooka blowing up sand bags and other elements with germans stood behind it and watching it all in slow motion is fun.
I'm not violent, honest i just rate manhunt 1 and 2 as my top 2 games of all time because i love the storys (yea right lol)