Hmmmm the release date says the 10th of september for us Brits, but my local asda store has it on shelf to buy?
C**kup by asda?
C**kup by Ubisoft?
Or has time just gone F**K IT I'm off?
You pick, to be honest this isn't the first time i've got my hands on a game early here's my short list
1. Gran Turismo 4 for the ps2 (tesco, ONE WEEK EARLY!)
2. Warriors PS2 (, 3 days early)
3. Bataman Arkham Asylum (Trade secret, 5 Days early)
4. Red Dead Redemption (Trade secret, One week early again)
got many more...
my last and best early purchase, Condemned 2 (About 3 weeks early from GameXchange because the ordered the US version for the ps3 at no extra cost... go me)