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Ice man cometh!!

OMG OMG OMGGGGOOOODDD! Max Payne is back, set to return in winter (how ironic, last two were set in snow and rain) the coldest cop is back and he's lookin for blood.

BRING ON THE PAYNE! (see what i did?)

I hope they do some of the following.

1. New moves(i think dual aiming would be a good one here, using the left and right stick to aim the two guns)

2. Longer game

3. Darker and more twisted Max (make him violent and blood thursty)

4. The story is as griping as the last 2.

I am sad enough to say i completed max payne 1 12 times (3 times on each difficulty) and max payne 2 15 times (due to wait between 2 - 3) found around 80% of the easter eggs, heard about a hidden room on max payne 1 right near the end unsure if it was true i didn't have a copy of the game when i found that out.

Hope you are all as excited as me!