As some of you might have noticed i dislike the amount of mulitiplayer modes being added to games that don't need it.
The latest game on my list is Riddick (an other Vin Diesel game) i played the original escape from butcher bay on the PC and omg in the day it was rather good, that didn't support mulitplayer and look at the orginal got quite good scores. Now it has reached PS3 with the new content AND mulitplayer feels "tacked on" (from the G.S. review).
Was there any real reason for G.S. to metion the fact the mulitplayer was tacked on? Do we really really want to know how bad the mulitplayer is? NObecause the game was solely created to be played by one player at a time!
Games are dying because "marketing" says "Put it on there because people will buy it" I say this ends NOW! with that extra space they wasted on the multiplayer why couldn't they just use that space to completely fix the bugs that were there insted.
Don't get me wrong i'm not a mulitiplayer hater, i enjoy a good MMORPG or online shooter (L4D, CS:S or COD) but that's because these games were made with mulitplayer in mind and having some mode stuck on with blue tack or glue because it might sell a few more units makes me really angry!! There is no need and the cheek of capcom releaseing a death match mode for Resident evil 5 and admiting that it wasn't planned for the orignal game just shows how bad companies want to jump on the band waggon.
Designers if you want mulitiplayer in PLAN IT! don't just stick it on because you were told to, stick to your guns and make sure that it doesn't effect the actual game. If the lastest Riddick didn't have it stuck on so bad the review would have looked nicer and it would of got better reviews.
That's it rant over... Untill next time i'm watching... i'm watching