People are starting to do my head in with Mulitplayer this multiplayer this. Games were designed as single player first with Mulitplayer added on top but just lately it feels like it is the other way around. People are wanting more multiplayer games, with too many gamers screaming for this game desginers are taking the focus off single player and placing it on multiplayer.
Why can't games be solely one player now? in my eyes 75% of games now support multiplayer of some format and it's getting on my nerves the amount of comments i am seeing now saying "if it had multiplayer i'll buy" buy the game for the single player aspect of the game the section of the game that bases the story. Don't get me wrong multiplayer is a good laugh and can be brilliant to play.
Just stop over looking the single player side of the coin because it doesn't have the words "Online player" or "Multiplayer" If it keeps going like this all games will be online only.
Thanks for reading
Blood Diamond