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Red faction first thoughts.

one word isnt' enough, i really really REALLY am enjoying it, i've done the first 2 "Sectors" just started the 3rd and it's fantastic, watch them builds crumble down i have killed my self twice by running into the building think it's not destroyed and it's just fell on me lol.

I would recommed it based on the single player so far, not played online yet, i'll comment on that tomorrow :D.

There is only one thing grating on me at the min and that's the main characters story.... there just isn't one so far, i won't give away the little bits you pick up near the start more of a biography is needed on the main character i think but that's it. All the little side missions are fun and offer a nice change of pace, such as the demo missions the one i just did i had to pick up these little gas tanks stick some what i'll call C4 on to them and lob it down a shoot at this building at the bottom of a cliff to blow it up.

The driving is okay, it's not too in depth but deep eough not to go stale so i would reccomend this to everyone, the pure joy i get from blowing buildings to hell and bridges it's just so fun, these side missions pop up where you have to press right on the D-Pad to pick it up, if it's a convoy based mission it gives you your way point markers in yellow and the convoys in red so you know where it is and where it's going to be, so if you see it's going over a bridge load it with some demo charges and wait till it's on the bridge and blow it up.

Come back tomorrow for the online verdict.

So far 2:43:29 time played and i give this game a 9.0 so far, let's see how the rest does tomorrow hehe