I don't see enough difference that would warrant the purchase of one console over another. Besides, anyone hard up for graphics isn't really much of a gamer to begin with. Nothing rattles my cage like people who forgive bad game design so long as the game is pretty. Personally, I pick games between consoles based on their stability. For the most part, multi-platform games are more stable on the Xbox 360.
I think I'll stick to the competitive side of Halo 3. Anyone who bought Halo for casual play probably wasted their money. The bread and butter of Halo 3 is the online multiplayer. Also, supergamer918 obviousely never played Time Splitters 2. Which had a great map editor.
I frown upon gamers who use pathetically easy games to make themselves seem like hotshots in the gaming world. It always brings me pleasure to absolutely DOMINATE people in skill based games who have massive gamer score.
Windows Live Messenger is cross compatible with Yahoo Messenger. (IE: MSN people chatting with Yahoo's people on a single program.) I wonder if the console version will be too?
Bottom line is PC gaming is on the decline. Now that the Xbox 360 and potentially the PS3 will have solid online communities. I can only see a further decline in PC gaming. I could care less about PC gaming anyway. All they really have on consoles are their MMORPG's and Strategy games. I assume in time cheap compatible keyboards and mice will make their way to the 360 (Which they already have) and it will just take developers to fill in the gaps. You wont see me cry over how sharp a game looks. I don't buy games to stare at the textures on the wall. Sure, graphics are a nice thing to have-- but it's the gameplay that makes the game.
Well, to be honest I'm very eager to see the Playstation 3 come out. Not so I can buy it, but to see what happens. With it's price, potential game price and fan base. It could go far... or it might sell good on the day it comes out. Then six months down the line just not sell anything. People can't afford that price. 360, PS3, Wii.... Who cares? Just play.
1: Knights of the old Republic (Xbox) - More RPG's should be this creative. With all the garbage that SquarEnix pumps out, and how fan boys sucks it up like caleries. It's about time something came out that appeals to even non-RPG gamers. Besides, Who doesn't want to be a Jedi/Dark Jedi? 2: Super Smash Brothers Melee (GC) - Wonton combat and mischief for the whole family. Besides the horrible imbalance between characters and how half of them were either useless or clones. It still stands out as the crazy King of the Hill style brawler. 3: Goldeneye 007 (N64)- Shooting NPC's in the legs and arms a million times. The red hickies you left on people with the RCP-90. The crazy multiplayer that never should have ended. 4: Halo II (Xbox) Lets face it. You either love it, or you hate it. In the end, you still bought it. It's also the game that made MLG what it is today. A game with emphesis on actual teamwork. 5: Fallout II (PC) This game has to be the most interesting RPGs I've ever played. Unique still to this day, and literally no magic in sight. The adult humor, storyline and ability to choose your path to the end was quite fun. The only pun I have with this game, is that it actually did end. Dammit!
Bloodhawk_DX's comments