Not that i dont like the old n64 and snes games, but why are you sticking to strictly to old nintendo games. I would want some origanal xbox fps like halo 1 and 2, of star wars republic commando.
BloodlineGabe's forum posts
I like the first 2, but halo 3 screwed that all up. The story just couldn't stay in line. Out of the first 2, i would have to say halo 1 is better.
I love the game. Thats it. Saying you like halo because MC's a dude or you dont like MP cus samus is a chick, is like saying your not going to play guitar hero because one of the buttons is orange. Its only a small part of the game.
only 13, but i was obsessed with my origanal xbox, then the 360 came out, and I went straight to nintendo for the next gen. BEST. CHOICE. EVER
....what makes 360 and PS3 so much better than wii? I have a wii, and and xbox. Not 360. I like the origanal xbox more than i like playing a 360. And PS3 are basiclly just over glorifed,400$ bluray players. Wii has so many cool games, and the best part is, you dont have to blow aliens brains out to have funon this system. All you really have to do is give more games to the library and they would do as well as the 360 versions. For example, Guitar hero 2 was excellent.
Come time to make guitar 3, some genious in an office meeting said "hey, lets make it for wii" And it sold better then xbox 360's and PS3s versions. No just stop flaming the wii
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