I loved Far Cry 2, even more than Far Cry 3 (and i consider it to be superior than fc2) simply because of how immersed i was in the world. The african landscape and realism really sucked me in and when i was playing it i lost sense of reality, a little bit like in Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite. Best part for me was the multiplayer, it was unique, fun and addicting (not like the bf's and cod's today), even if the multiplayer has several problems. Sure the game has a lot of flaws, but i felt like i was on a safari and i was happy about it !!! I'm objective about FC2 so you can say whatever you feel about it (hate or love it). Looking forward for Watch Dogs !!!
@CalamityKait great taste man, i strongly agree with your list except to the moon, enslaved, dragon age and xcom simply because i haven't played them yet. There are other games to be mentioned:
Deus Ex: Human Revolution: ("blade runnerish" atmosphere, rpg elements and a great philosophy about man vs technology, memorable soundtrack
Portal (especially 2): no surprise all time classic, glados, humor, story, gameplay
Borderlands 2: addicting gameplay, one of the funniest games out there, the developers were having fun creating the game
Half-Life 2: gameplay, soundtrack , excellent ai,immersion and ofc the complexity of the character Alyx Vance similar to Elizabeth in Bioshock Infinite
L.A. Noire: motion capture, character development, feels like watching a great neo-noir movie
Dead Space 1: constant sense of isolation and fear, mix between Alien and The Thing, wonderful gameplay and character progression
Fallout 3: rpg elements (vats), old music from the 1930's (if i'm not mistaken), " post apocaliptic cold war" background, 1960's propaganda and publicity signs
The Witcher 1 and 2: feels like watching Game of Thrones
Max Payne 3: cinematic feeling, Bullet-time and sweet third person action, Max's story and intimacy
Rayman Origins: colorful and vibrant atmosphere,excellent platforming mechanics
Some indie games like Braid, Amnesia, Super Meat Boy
Del Toro is one of best filmmakers this generation has to offer, no surprise he enjoys the best video games, Portal which he uses Glados' voice for his new film Pacific Rim and Bioshock.
Now, you butthurt kiddies can go play some more cod or another generic shooter or watch a Micheal Bay film. These types of games aren't meant for whiners and disrespectful people !!!
If you say Bioshock is overrated, then imagine how many games are overrated, using your lame arguments !!! Haters gonna hate !!!
@barleybosh yeah man, the first time i saw the movie with the military dudes being slaughter by all those monsters made me think of Dead Space 2. I thought i recognized in the movie a monster similar to these "manta ray" looking necromorphs (forgot the name of these monsters) sucking a man head !!!
Interesting, i always see Dead Space being a mix of Alien and The Thing. Only 2 directors that can pull of a good Dead Space movie are Ridley Scott and John Carpenter the one's who directed one of the best and most influential sci-fi horror movies ever made !!!
@FreedomPrime Actually the story is what made the game so special, it allowed a video game to have philosophical thoughts and to feel emotions. To optain this level of storytelling in a game is extremely rare. It denonces capitalism, objectivism and you see the consequences of a society living without laws, religion and politics. I disagree about the gameplay, it plays like an rpg and Bioshock is a straight up fps You can play however you want, nothing revolutionary but it's work pretty damn well. Even though it's one of my all time favorite games, I respect your opinion. I think that games like Half-Life 2 and Left 4 Dead are overrated and games like Killing Floor, Metro 2033, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. are underrated. It's on my 2nd playthough that i thought BioShock was truly an art form, because i paid more attention to the details.
@roguebot @BloodyEddy09 well i hate when people talk trash without any mature arguments. When people dislike something, it's fine for me, but to whine and to be immature like a 12 year old cod kid, that's unacceptable !!! And yes in this case i can say "try making your own movie before you criticize" because he's spitting on Ridley Scott's work and i cannot tolerate such behavior. In order to criticize, you need maturity and it's not the case with haters !!!
@xUnrationalistx anyway, I'm very septic for an Assassin's Creed movie, most of the video game adaptations are bad. The game itself has an interesting story but it's nothing revolutionary, the characters are simplistic and sometimes stereotypical. However, since i love Micheal Fassbender and the great performances he brought to life (David in Prometheus, Magneto in the last X-men movie, Shame, Hunger...), I'm interested how he will pull it of as Altair !!!
@xUnrationalistx IMDb is flawed and filled with trolls and immature people who whinnes when the movie is too complex for them (Prometheus, most of David Lynch movies) and overate some (Avatar). Even the critics get movies wrong sometimes but i prefer listening to them than the imdb users, like on Rotten Tomatoes
BloodyEddy09's comments