First thing's first and that is: You guys have no idea how much i appreciate the interest and sensitivity you showed on the Baby Seals matter. I thank you all and God bless you.:)..You are good people.Deadline is today in my country tomorrow for most of you probably since here is Wednesday now.
Sephiroth as you can see is BACK! Not that he ever left though but he's back and kicking!Such an like him or not one thing's for can't take your eyes off of him.:lol:.Check my latest video if you're about HIM!:P
Busy..busy like nuts.Which means that for a period that will last ..don't know...i will be less active in the unions i'm part of so my apologies to the Leaders which happens to be good friends too.:)
Hubby's fine,Cassandra and Kadaju are officially in love..:lol:..yes that..and that's almost all.:P
Enjoy the week and take care all of you.
Much Love,Thora.:)