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Blah..blah..blah..oh..and don't forget..blah..blah..blah..

 I AM BEAT.:lol:..and i LIKE IT..:P

Well..well..well..How are you my fellow Gamespoters?i missed you ALL.:cry:..right enough crying..let's get into the point..:P

So i left Friday,i came back a while ago,i went in the beach,i am TANNED..*does the happy dance*..:lol:..too much swimming,too much gaming..a few *cough*..Bacardi..:P..long lasting beach parties...:D..too much *TOS*..:lol:...and a few hours of sleep..*insert dizzy smiley*:P..In other words,fantastic..:D..In short words that was my weekend.:P

GAMES: I finished Trapt,playing 12 hours in a row,non stop.I am impressed of what TECMO did in that game.We're talking here about the "Torturing Encyclopedia"..i like it.:twisted:..other than that..nothing special..still i'm wondering where the game takes place.

"Batman Begins".Man i had that game standing on a shelve for months,so this morning Hubby says "I will play that" was like i was watching the movie,but this lasted for about..ummm..15 min. cause all of a sudden,i grabbed the controller of his hands.:lol:.."BUT"..he said..."THAT GAME IS MINE.."...i answer.:lol:.."I HAVE TO PLAY IT"..:lol:..soooo..after a minus war over the controller,i managed to keep it..don't ask me how..:P..The game so far is awesome.Anyways i liked the movie too,Batman was a character that i didn't like,but in that movie i adored him..sooo dark..and violent..and a skilled Ninja.That's it,that's why..see the magic word above?NINJA..*points above*..:lol:..In short words,i like it so far,so DMC2 has to wait.:P

Other than that i'm fine.:D..I need sleep of course,but i'm so boring to sleep.:P..And here my craziness ends.

"Till the next time Son of Sparda":lol:..i hate her voice..:lol:..*random i know*..:P

So take care of yourselves and make sure to have a lovely,safe,happy week.:)

Loads of love.
