Or as Miku says in Fatal Frame 3..:Is raining again.:|...Dante003 aka Carlo aka my over the net bro ROLFs when i say this.:P.
Anyways,the only thing that doesn't do in Athens is raining.The heat is already that much which is difficult to stand.I wonder how it will be in June.Guess as usual.I'll be melting.:P
How good it is,to have someone you know very well,working in one of the biggest Game Stores in Greece?Awh,believe me...it's great.The "Da Vinchi Code" for Xbox is already in my collection.Though i haven't touched it yet since i'm lost in Silent Hill 3 and Fatal Frame 3.CV-Lament of Innocense is way too good but i think is short,cause i'm already near to the end of the game.It's this or i'm a freaking,awesomely good gamer.:lol::P.
The week was full of things,events,good and bad.I prefer not to mention the bad ones since all is better now.:)..So i'll stand in the good ones.:).A person gifted me the greatest emote i've ever seen.This.....is the I LOVE PHOTOSHOP emote.:lol:...What else can match better with me besides that?I thank her once again.:)
Maybe someone could make for me a banana Pyramid Head,since i love the banana emotes.:P...That's a request..I want a Banana Pyramid Head emote.:lol:
What else?ummm..HOT...is darn HOT,even at night is hot...geez..and i hate summer in Athens.Outta Athens near to a beach summer is cool,but inside Athens i'm at least 4 times in a day in the shower..like that......:lol:.
Quick entry,yup.As you see on my profile page Fatal Frame is in the air again.:P...Well the normal me.:P.Happy that this week ends in 5 minutes xactly.
Have a great weekend everyone and take care of yourselves.:)
Much love,Thora.