A quick one before i go to bed,cause i'm beat.:P
6:30 am here,so Good Morning everyone,how are you guys?:)
Yesterday was a great day,lots happened that made me so happy.My news...uummm..all well.Lot of shopping last few days and now i'm broke.:lol:,but it worths.Hands on "Lament of Innocense","Tomb Raider-Legend" and "Way of the Samurai 2",which i had it,lent it to someone and never took it back.:?,anyways now i got it again so no harm no foul.:)
I finished Oblivion which was great,and i'm planing to go to a second playthrough after i beat Oni4,this is my goal for now.:P..then i'll touch my new games.
My Yukatas came 2 days ago,and my pair of two teeth geta(Japanese sandals) the day bf yesterday,so i'm learning how to walk on them cause they look like that
actually this is the pair i have,lost my balance several times almost fell down,but nope i'm alive and no broken legs.:lol:
Aren't they sweet?i'm loving them.:D
Uuuumm..what else?Awh thanx the ones that helped with the FFSU,it does much better,and the others that couldn't,i trully understand,i also have a hard time to catch up with everything.:)but GS is nice.:P...People make it nice.
That's all for now i guess,i'm beat,imma gonna lay on my bed,be quiet*don't want to wake up my poor bf..:P*,play a bit and pry fall asleep with the controler in my hands as usual.:lol:
Have a great weekend,and take care of yourselves.:)
Lots of love.