Greece decided to upgrade our National Tel. Company...they decided also to mess up my Internet connection.
Remember..about 15 days ago i was 3 days off cause of that?..Well this time i was 4 days off....because of that.BUT...What happened is outrageous.So here goes.
Tuesday i reboot the pc cause of an update.After that..about 10:00 am my time,connection's dead.We call the ADSL Company they say is the Tel. company's fault and they'll report it.
We call the Tel. company and give us a number to call.ADSL Clients Support we do call.
There's a guy telling John to open the Acces Runner control pannel and adjust some options from there.So John does. NOTHING..A BIG NOTHING.
OK he says we'll fix it within 48 hours and call you back to inform you.So we are waiting.Nothing....and nothing again,no call no voice no nothing.
Earlier tonight i got the shakes ...*addicted* John plays with the pannel..and..all of a sudden...PADOM WE ARE CONNECTED.
Sooo...that means..indeed the guys from the tel. company fixed the thingy they didn't bothered to call of course BUT the guy from the Support gave John a bunch of Bulls#it instructions to follow.
And if John wasn't inspired to play with the pannel we will be waiting and waiting for the problem to get solved.
*yes i'm really pissed off so i'm out to finish SH.:P*
Enjoy the rest of the weekend guys and much love to all of you.:)
EDIT: And there's this glitch that won't let me post pics and in my pink font color.:cry: