Some ppl are gonna crap on me for saying that, but yeah, I was hooked on Darksiders for many consecutive days during the hours between after-work and sleep.I know in many ways these are very different games, but what I'm trying to say is that while I loved AC2, I enjoyed Darksiders even more so.
I just beat it, and I loved it. I was a big comic book collector back in the late 80's thru early 90's, so I was just floored by the 3D environments and the lush colors. Even the way the puddles would splash as War run through them- WOW! I'm just impressed by Vigil Games' first effort, and I really hope they make a sequel.
Now I loved Assassin's Creed II. I think they improved it on many levels compared to AC1, but killing the "bosses" in AC2 was still very MEH, just stab them and escape. I wish the devs would incorporate more stealth elements that an assassin would use. Also, the combat in the AC series was overly simple once you mastered the parry. In AC2, you make so much money so quickly that midway thru you have already bought every upgrade and item possible, and the money just keeps piling up. What really hooked me was the story. I'm still intrigued by it, and I'm wondering where the series will take me next.
Okay, now while the story in Darksiders is not as epic, I found this world more fun to explore. Even the dungeons in Darksiders were more amusing than the platforming puzzles in AC2. The boss battles were bigger (yeah it's easy once to figure out how to beat them) but that was more of a thrill than just running up to your target, stabbing him, and then escape by simply outrunning your pursuers.
Darksiders borrows plenty from some epic games that preceded it, and it borrows heavily. From Zelda: Ocarina of Time to God of War to Portal to Legacy of Kain and even darkSector, it doesn't mean it lacks originality. I was a huge fan of many of those aforementioned titles, and it's just a blast to play a game that melds these elements together. Sometimes great ideas come from combining many good ideas, and Darksiders does them all pretty well. And while it's not as polished as Assassin's Creed 2 (I'm sure their budgets were quite different), it was overall, a more fun experience for me.
Some reviews I've read knocked the game for coping elements from other games, and I was frankly confused by this statement. I mean, doesn't Assassin's Creed borrow heavily from Prince of Persia's platforming? Doesn't Bayonetta play very similar to Devil May Cry? Doesn't Team Fortress 2 borrow the class system from Return to Wolfenstein? Uncharted 2 uses a similar cover mechanic as Gears of War, etc, etc, and the list goes on. And these games are good even though they borrows some good ideas. It's unfair to knock Darksiders for doing the same.
I'm really rooting for this game to sell well, because it has the potential to become a great series in the future. All of this is just my personal opinion as a long-time gamer, so don't feel insulted if Assassin's Creed 2 is your favorite game of all time. I think AC2 is great, too, but I just had more fun playing as War in the apocalypse.