The Last Of Us: Great gameplay! And it was impressing to hear that it was not scripted. Gamespot employees had seen different types of the segment shown at the conference.
Assasins Creed 3: Snowy landscapes and boatsailing! Looked far better than expected.
Lego Lord Of The Rings: Finally Lord Of The Rings is being created in the Lego universe! And they talk! How adorable.
The Bonus Stage: Loved the bonus stage espeacially when Rich Gallup, Greg Kasavin, Jeff Gertsman, Ryan Davies and Adam Sessler were guests.
Sly Thieves In Time: Looked really great! Controlling the ancestors and unlocking new characters as you progress! Finally I can controll Dimitri for real and not like in Sly 3!
Hitman: I was relieved when I finally saw gameplay of it. Looked like classic Hitman with better gameplay and graphics.
Pikmin 3: Finally!!!
Rayman Legends: Rayman Origins was one of the greatest games from last year, so this game is naturally interesting. It looks even better on Wii U than X box 360 and PS3 both graphics vise and gameplay vise with the Wii U tablet controlling the rythm.
Reggies great lines: "I feel just like a purple pikmin", "And yes, my body was ready" and "I don't need a sword to kick ass and take names"
Paper Mario Sticker Star: As a Paper Mario fan it is hard not to be excited for a portable game in the series. Loved the sticker system.