@PatSon13 You just trolled yourself. Here are your points and why they're wrong FACTUALLY. 1) "Out of the tens of thousands of games, a very small percentage are worth paying for, and even then, they'll never last you as long as a game on an actual console would" The facts: the iPhone has many more games to offer than the DS. How about this? --> a game on the iOS environment titled 'Zenonia 2' is actually longer than FF7. Heh, interesting isn't it? Moreover, a game titled 'Rage' has been acclaimed as the best looking 3D game ever made on a portable gaming device and a technology leap in mobile gaming. 2) "The iPhone may have a more powerful processor, but it is not dedicated to gaming." The facts: it doesn't matter that the iPhone is not dedicated to gaming, fact still remains that it's a more powerful device, hence more capable, both in terms of CPU and GPU power. It's like saying that a guy who scored an A+ on a test did worse than a guy who scored a B, simply because the guy who scored a B was more "dedicated". Makes no difference. The end result is the one and only thing that matters. 3) The iPhone is a multimedia device (phone, music player, etc.), so it is more commonly bought. There would be few people who would buy the iPhone specifically for gaming. The facts: this statement simply proves that the iPhone can be all that in terms of a gaming device and so much more. If anything, you're only pointing out the fact that the DS has less features. 4) "No" The facts: yes. Problem?
1) iOS is a full-on gaming environment with tens of thousands of available games, ranging from simple and fun games to full 2GB sized games. 2) The iPhone 4 is a more powerful device than the DS. 3) The iPhone sells better than the DS. 4) When combining the first, second and third points, a simple 1+1(+1) will show that the iPhone is a more successful gaming device than the Nintendo DS ever was. Argument sealed.
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