Hello everyone, I would like to share with you guys something that I came through while surfing on the web recently... You may or may not know that Blizzard is working on a new MMO. Well, some people have been putting together a brand new community dedicated to this mysterious MMO. As it seems they are already sharing up-to-date info, a comprehensive wiki , forums, gallery, and everything else a player interested in Titan could want. So maybe you would like to check it out, it's www.TitanGuru.com. A brief overview of the game according to these guys... Blizzard's next MMO or Next-Gen MMO as referred by Blizzard, has been in the shadow for years, the first evidence of its existence was a job ad listing in Blizzard's site mid of 2007. Since then, through official sources here is what we know about Blizzard's top secret MMO: It is internally named Titan. It's not going to be a WoW expansion. It will be based on a brand new IP (new story & lore). Several people of the WoW team have joined Next Gen MMO's team. This MMO targets to a broader audience than WoW. Clues from job ads indicate that it will be a Science Fiction/Sci Fi MMO. In the past Kaplan, who revealed he is involved in the project, was asked if the game's genre would be science fiction, post-apocalyptic, or historical, and while laughing he responded: "all of those combined!" So all these stuff seem interesting and I am really looking forward to the game. What do you think ? Sure it will have a LOT on the table to offer since Blizzard is known for epic games since always.
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