Okay, this is my third time trying to post this darn blog!!! Sometimes when I try to load internet windows, the computer occasionally closes random internet windows!!! Well this'll be my LAST try!!!
X-mas is getting close, when my Winter Break starts, X-mas is only 4 days away. Here is my wishlist.
1. Rock Band for PS2, with Guitar, Drumset and Microphone - This looks like one of the most greatest games ever, and it especially looks great for parties! I hope my relatives find it easily.
2. Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles 2 - I don't care if it sucks, I just want any anime gaem to keep me busy.
3. Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg - This old Gamecube game is probably rather difficult to find now. It is from Sonic Team.
4. Money for importing video games - Since my Wii is Japanese, I want the Japanese version of Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I also want Naruto Shippuuden: Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX 2.
5. "One Piece Movie: The Desert Princess and the Pirates Adventures in Alabasta" - The 8th One Piece movie comes to the U.S. on DVD on February (I'll pre-order it).It'll also be in select theatres shortly before the DVD's release(gosh I wish I can see it in theatres!!!).
6. Gravitation T-shirt - ......yeeeeeeeaaaaah I mean it.
Current events in life.
I just recentlycalled Elaina last Monday, what was totally awsome was that it was her birthday when I called! She was at GameStop while we were talking and she got BLEACH for the DS.
I'm so aloneat school, I lost all of my friends and it is all Jennifer's fault. Everything bad that has happenned to me is all her fault, even bad things that happenned to me BEFORE we met was all her fault.
Sade probably misses the old me. (The one who was his hands, his feet, his guide and his light XD). We haven't seen each other for weeks. Well, I've decided to find a way to force myself back into his miserable and pathetic life. Every time our friendship splits up, a force like gravity always pulls it back together, and there is nothing we can do to stop it.
There's something rather scary about me, I kinda think it's scary
I have made a discovery about myself that I think is kinda cool, or kinda scary: I am quite similar to most or all One Piece characters who carry the initial "D" in their middle name.
So far in One Piece, there are 7 characters who have the inital "D" in thier middle name.
Some of the Ds are simple-minded people who see the simple solutions to things, however do not always act stupid as a result of it. They display fun-loving traits. They are highly competitive often aiming their ambitions at high targets, and they have the strength, willpower and courage to carry out their ambitions. The Ds are drawn to dreams. (Ruining the dreams of the people I hate is rather difficult for me, but I only ruined one of my enemies' dreams and it's quite a long story).
And probably the most important part: The concept of death.
The Ds are usually seen smiling or laughing when they know they can't escape death.
I used to fear death, but eventually I started to feel different about death. In fact, I'm pumped up for it!!! When my time comes, and Death looks at me in the eyes, I'll just smile and laugh. Death is a moment in life I look foward to.
That's it! I'm going to bed now, good night!