I would also say Eternal Sonata... One of my fav RPGs on the 360. I know very few who have played this awesome rpg. shadowdemon0085So damn true.
BlueRayyz's forum posts
If you're offline, you can still use your gamertag profile. As long as you're using that, you'll still get achievements on your tag, and it'll update publicly once you connect online.
Your achievements don't really serve any purpose. Not worth worrying about.
For some people, and obviously the TC, it does matter.
While they might matter to you as some form of accomplishment the absolute truth and what I'm correct about is they don't matter at all. They serve no purpose whatsoever.
You are not a unique and beautiful snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else, and we're all part of the same compost pile.
Harsh, but I agree with Skarwolf. OT: As already said, achievements will be saved as long as you use the profile.
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