As I recall it:
I sat on the docs with my friend. I started typing in the air:
christina-> additem "chess piece white"
And whoop a chess piece materialized out of air in front of me.
I said to my friend: Does the earth get heavier each time I call up an item from console?
Does the console make it from scratch, from nothing, or does it recycle matter like everything else we know about. And in that case, does the console sit in the fourth, or is it fifth? dimesion so that it can alter the called objects timeline to create it where it is needed. Like this chess piece. Was it crafted by somebdoy and randomly left here a long time ago because I called its timeline to do so right now? I think that would be more likely, with infinite possibilites you could call up anytihng if you altered timeline...
There were much more dream, but it is too confusing for me to retype. I have absloutely no idea what i twas about, but it had something to do with these dimesnions or whatever and I woke up extremely emotionally and abrubtly.