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#1 Blue_Namek
Member since 2004 • 47 Posts

Froza is not a system seller and L4D did not even sell 1million copies.These 2 games will go un noticed by potential consumers.Let's face it,the big games on the 360 this year -not named HALO- are all multiplatform.people if you don't have a PS3 right now,do yourself a favor and go out and buy one this fall.It will be one of the best decisions that you will ever make in your weak little lives.

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#2 Blue_Namek
Member since 2004 • 47 Posts

The last notable game on the 360 was Halo Wars.The current big game on the 360 is Halo 3 ODST (DLC sold as a full game).The next major game on the 360 is Halo Reach.What's next? Halo Party,Halo Kart,Halo Bash Brothers: Generic Shooter Melee Brawl and Halo Golf? I can not believe that people payed $400+ jsut to play a generic franchise every year.

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#3 Blue_Namek
Member since 2004 • 47 Posts

Well everything said about the 360 is true and this late in it's lifespan it should not be this weak.All the have to offer now is Forza,Halo,Fable,Crackdown and LL4D.Nothing new,nothing creative and nothing interesting.Instead of paying for 3rd party games to come to their console,MS should have done what Sony did and invest in first/second party games.Now all they talk about is DLC,mulriplat games and Natal.What happned to the 360 being the PS2 of this generation? HAHAHA that was BS.

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#5 Blue_Namek
Member since 2004 • 47 Posts

There has not been a game all yar that looks good ont he 360.there is not a game in the next year that looks good besides Mass Effect 2.I remember when the 360 had all these games back in 06 and 07.What happened?

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#6 Blue_Namek
Member since 2004 • 47 Posts

I don't have a problem with it so it's fine.The 360 controller feels cheap and the analogs should be symetrical for balance.The buttons also lack pressure response.

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#7 Blue_Namek
Member since 2004 • 47 Posts

The Sony guys are arrogant like the Ms's. Nintendo is the best company in the world, so shut up Sony's little worm.wirey87

Spoken like an ignorant fanboy.Sega and Sony are both better than Nintendo and I started on the NES so I know my stuff.

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#8 Blue_Namek
Member since 2004 • 47 Posts


hm... i cant think of another exercise game before wiifit. sounds like a risk to me. wiifit showed that there is a market for these types of 'games'...


all those types of exercises machines/systems/books/pills to not be fat anymore sell like hotcackes watch any those 12 pm programs and 90% of the products are things like that now you want to hear about risk products: Okami 2 (for consoles), VC 2 (for consoles), any platformer game that isn't Mario this gen and the biggest of all this gen imo: Demon's Soul (expect 50% of the few copies it sold to be ebayed)

and yet noone really ever tried that in a videogame form until nintendo. there was no real market for this type of thing, nintendo took a risk with it...

There is no real market for that crap,it's only for casuals.Who don't even play the damn thing.My mother bought a Wii and never plays it.It's more like a forman grill than a video game machine.Everybody buys it and never uses it.

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#9 Blue_Namek
Member since 2004 • 47 Posts

He's right for all you fools saying other wise.Nintendo has never taken any risks to advance the game industry with their consoles.None of their consoles offered anything advanced over it's competition.The Wii mote is a casual device that only appeals to their DS fanbase and if it failed it Nintendo would not lose much money since the Wii uses the same technology that the GameCube used.The Wii is not even an HD console and is just upgrade of the GC.So tell me what financial risks did Nintendo take? It's easy to be biased and defend Nintendo,but they never took any risks.Remember they stuck with cartridges with the 64 and the GameCube was not an advaced console for it's generation.Nintendo makes most of their money from developping low quality products and that doubles their return of profit.Don't even compare Nintendo's Wii to the PS3,because we all know which one is suprerior.

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#10 Blue_Namek
Member since 2004 • 47 Posts
You know that c company is desperate when they have to bundle in a multiplat game to sell there console.When will MS learns that no one gives a damn about them promoting a game that's also on another console? uncharted 2 stands out more than a multiplat game and you can only get that on the PS3 along with Call of Duty.This is another pointless move by MS.They really are out of options.This will only appeal to shooter fans anyway and they already have a 360.