Mental note. Two and a half months is too long to wait in between blog posts. So where have I been? The simple answer is torn between gaming nirvana and my crazy busy real life.
RROD Update
The RROD system we shipped off back in Sept. was replaced with a brand spanking new 360 three weeks after our initial call to MS. The day before Thanksgiving, my 360 (not the same system) suffered from total hard drive failure--and possibly an identity crisis as it no longer recognized itself as being a 360. Today, nine days after my first phone call, the replacement is due to be delivered. I'll find out later today if I should be happy or concerned that it's coming back so quickly.
Gaming Nirvana
The past couple of months have been pretty good to us 360 gamers. I've worked my way through Halo 3, Guitar Hero III, COD4, Assassin's Creed, and Mass Effect. I also picked up and have played around with Guitar Hero II since I've had so much fun with III. Here's some quick thoughts on each:
Halo 3: Eh. It's another Halo. Loved the first one, hated the second, and the third hits somewhere in the middle for me. It entertained me reasonably well for my 4 or 5 hour play through on legendary, but it couldn't hold my interest for more than a handful of matches online. I almost feel like I'm having that talk--"It's me, not you"--when it comes to the Halo franchise. I think my gaming tastes have simply...evolved.
Guitar Hero II and III: I had not only never played a GH game, but I also playfully teased my close gaming friends who did play GH. I just couldn't understand the draw. I mean, come on. Where are the super uber bad guys to hunt down? Where are the cool weapons? What's the point? Then the GHIII demo went up on marketplace, and I had a few rare moments of boredom. I was hooked by the middle of the first song I played on the demo; didn't hesitate to buy the wireless bundle on release day. I'm now a convert. GH is currently one of my favorite games to play when I have limited gaming time.
COD4: I really enjoyed the departure from WWII and IW's jump into modern warfare. I'm also happy that the achievements are all attainable in the single player game this time around. It's crazy hard on veteran, but not stupid hard (e.g. COD3). I've really enjoyed the challenge and will be going back to finish my SP veteran game once I get ME out of my system. I'm not too much of a fan of the multiplayer, but I'm also not too proud to admit that in this case it's because I really suck at it. ;) It's looking more and more like I'll have to just be patient and wait for R6V 2 before I get some good MP action that I can get into.
AC: Had a great time with this game! The game felt entirely fresh from story, to mechanics, to the overall graphical feel, to the control scheme. High profile assassinations, free running, and leaps of faith just don't get old. Yeah, the investigations could have used some variety, and the camera could use a little tweaking, but over all I just can't complain. I've been wishing for something different, and Ubi gave it to me.
Mass Effect: What can I say? I've basically sold my soul to this game for the time being. I've got around 80 hours in so far and am a little over half-way through my second play through. For the first time that I can remember I feel like I am genuinely in control of the story and my character. I also really enjoy watching the other gamers in my house play--seeing how differently convos and the story plays out with their different character ****s (*Edit* what? I can't say ****s? OK, starts with a 'c' and rhymes with glasses--stupid filter), squad choices, and dialog choices.
So that's a relatively quick run-down of my gaming life of late. As for my crazy busy real life: it's been loaded with friends, family, and all sorts of holiday activities. I don't expect things to quiet down until after the first of the year, so just in case I can't find the time to get a blog entry in: Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, etc. etc...
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