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Wii...Rest In Peace My Old Friend

Today is a sad, sad day for me. Well, I guess the sadness starts last night.

I barely ever play(ed) my Nintendo Wii, especially after I completed Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Donkey Kong Country Returns. The only recent function the Wii served for me was Netflix, and that was only at night when I was falling asleep. I never really had anything against the Wii, in fact I used to cherish it as a possession, but as its lifespan wore on I grew disinterested in a quick way. I don't know why.

Last night, I fired it up to watch Netflix and nothing happened. At first I didn't even notice the orange light being absent from the machine's display, but alas it was not there. I tried everything to bring it back, but last night my Wii died on me. I don't how or why, and I can't believe how saddened I am over it. Now that I can't hear the chime the system makes when you press the 'A' button for the first time or see the little 'hand-glove- whipping around the screen as I navigate the menus, I find that I can only think about the chime made when you push 'A' for the first time and the 'hand-glove' on the screen. I miss it. I miss it badly. I never thought this would happen; I took the Nintendo Wii for granted, I believe.

What's funny to me is that I don't have any regrets aside from all the VC games that I didn't play as much as I should have and therefore should not have bought; I wouldn't go and spend more time with it or anything given another chance. I wouldn't play every game ever made for the system because in all honestly most of the games are not any good. I played every game that I wanted to play. I just miss it, and now that it no longer works I have a desire to play the Nintendo Wii. Not just any Wii though, it would have to be mine.

Today I'll miss the Wii, and maybe I'll even miss it for this whole week. That's not likely. What's more likely is that I'll spend today, maybe tomorrow, lamenting my loss and thinking about all the games that I wish I could play just one more time. I'll spend these days wishing I could hear that chime at startup one more time; I'll spend them wishing I could vote one more time on the 'voting channel'; I'll spend them wishing I was able to wave the controller at the screen like a fool one more time. But I can just keep on wishing, because I won't be getting it repaired or least I have no plans to currently. Instead I'll lament for a while and remember fondly all the good times I had with the little white machine that had more potential than any other video game system in history.

Does anybody else get a little upset over the loss of a console like this? I never have before, but seeing the light on the Wii remain dark despite all my efforts to make it glow was a sad moment indeed.