BoSox09 / Member

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Yeah summer is finally here. I'm super happy for it because school was getting way to stressful and waking up early sucked, but now I get to sleep in a lot later. This summer I'm gonna hang with my friends,girls;), and play some videogames. I will also have summer baseball, our first game is tommorrow, and I'm pitching. Next week I plan on going to valleyfair with a couple friends so it should be fun. I'm super stoked for the next 3 months off. Next year I'll be a sophomore and I'll get to pick on the freshman yes!! haha. I don't think there's a lot of games I want this summer though. I plan on getting Civilization: Revolution because the demo was so fun. And BIA Hells Highway. And tommorrow I'm also getting my new phone which is the LG EnV 2.

It's a nice phone. I get a deal with it since I can upgrade my phone. They will also give me a memory card thing, usb to connect to computer,and bluetooth headset all for 160 with a mail in rebate meaning the phone is actually only costing me 100. One bad thing is that I have summer homework for this AP U.S History I have to take next year. Knowing me I'll probably save it til the last two weeks of summer. Well that's pretty much it. I'm Out!