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Irrational and Bioware, sitting in a tree...

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Right now it seems like a superficial partnership, with Bioware promoting the new Freedom Force game on its site.

But any longtime PC fan should be salivating at the possibility of the two collaborating in the development of a future game. Think of the resumes the two teams bring to the table--System Shock 2, Freedom Force, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, KOTOR. Irrational and Bioware would be a one-two punch the world hasn't seen the likes of for a while. We're talking on the order of Shaq and Kobe. MJ and Pip. Simon and Garfunkel. Astaire and Rogers. Desi and Lucy. Hall and Oates. Martin Lawrence and Will Smith. Mork and Mindy, even. And dare I say it: Bill and Ted.

You get the idea. Hopefully if it does happen, the two can get along better than some of those other dynamic duos of pop culture.