I spotted the trade your old PlayStation 2 into EBGames for $100 store credit deal on FatWallet.com this morning, and then reported it to our news monkeys for posting on the site. The deal also has a provision that you can trade in up to five old games for $10 a piece.
Well I was finally able to get on over to the EB Games at Hilltop Mall in Richmond to cash in on it myself tonight. And boy did I. I was able to dump off my old and busted (well, not literally) PS2, along with a few old games, and paid a pittance for a brand new, sexy slimline PS2. It feels like I'm stealing.
I gave up:
- 1 first generation PS2 with controller and power + A/V cables - $100
- 1 copy of Onimusha for PS2. Yes. THAT old game. - $10
- 1 copy of Robotech Battlecry for PS2. - $10
- 1 copy of Secret Weapons over Normandy for Xbox - $7
- $34
(I also tried to pawn off my GameCube copies of Resident Evil and Rogue Squadron, but they were only offering like 2 dollars a piece for those, so I kept them.)
I got back:
How ridiculous is that? Deal expires tomorrow boys and girls, so get cracking if you want in.