Alright guys,
I'm going to buy a Xbox 360 soon, but i stumbled on the PS3 and notcied that it doesnt look half bad. So in your guy's opinion, whats better game wise (not blu-ray features and all that crap):Xbox 360 or PS3? and one more thing, my parents are the "overprotective" type and wont let me get M rated game (even though in 15 and get good grades :|) some games i noticed i can get for the PS3 is Infamous, MAG, Uncharterd 2. But 360 i can't name that many games, all i can think of my parents ONLY letting me get Halo 3 and Reach and maybe MW2. But the thing is that ALL my friends play the 360 and it would be nice to play with them...SoI dont know
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