I am looking for a game that everything is customizable. I mean like e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. Either a modern or medieval game. Customizable weapons, clothes, armor, whatever. Also good game overall and multi-player. Thanks.Oh ya, for 360
Well PS3 has some good games.If you like them, then get it.PS3 has great graphics too.If your low on $$, then stick with the 360 ;)
I really like the game Fable, but I have a PS2.Does anyone know of a game like Fable or Fable 2 for PS2?Any suggestions?Thanks!!
Does anybody know a game like Fable or Fable 2 for PS2?I have a Playstation and I am looking for a good game.Any suggestrions?Thanks!
I know a good store to buy and sell used games.It is reliable and if you buy a used game and it doesn't work, they will take it back without asking questions.I don't know if there is one around your area, but here is the link to their site.Gamestop http://www.gamestop.com/
AirsoftAirsoft is cheaper, you don't need a whole ton of equipment, and you can play anywhere - even in the house.And for Airsoft, the ammo is way cheaper and so is gas, if you want a gas gun.
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