Figured I would give a glimpse at my everday enviroment. So enjoy. I expect many laughs.
Always have to show off my pride and joys.
above them is a nice Epiphone Casino poster with some music legends around it and some CD's.
May also notice the school crossing sign.
My CD's. all ten Porcupine Tree Studio albums on the top shelf in order. under some random CD's. TCV, NOA, SW, oceansize, ect.
Closer view. and just to show off again..
My Dresser with random stuffs. Led Zeppelin DVD, my ink supplies, random stuff. Zelda Poster.
My frankenstien accoustic. And lightsaber from the force unleashed And a crudely painted Tensa Zangetsu. =]
above my television are remenants of my childhood. Old custom build technic/bionicle things. All fully original. lol
The one that started it all. good ole throwbots.
Cloud above them. chillin'.
My other dresser. On it are my random collection of awesome stuffs. Mountain dew boat. Alarm clock/cd player, shark teeth, top hat from Gina. Brittish flag. ect,
Better view.
Pokewalker, ink, brushes, book from Gina.
Batman Shelf. One is a 100th edition batman. the batman beyound one is a 200th edition. so rareish. Funny story. I have around 400 batmans in my house. If I opened some of rooms drawers you would see some. some are hidden in my father's closet. some in the sparebedroom cloest. ALOT in the attic.=]
better look. cause I know you wanted it.
above my sleeping area Led Zeppelin and the Beatles.
Audio Technica headphones. should look familure if you played P3.
Lastly my yard. And my car. That I travel in.
I am an adult. lol but this is the room I grew up in for the last 12 years and I want it to remain as such even after I leave. anyway hope you enjoyed my tour.
So you can see the zelda poster.
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