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Finally.....MASS EFFECT 2!!!!

The game I'm looking forward to most in the early part of 2011 isn't a PlayStation 3 exclusive, nor a multiplatform title, and as far as I'm concerned Dead Space 2 can wait, because we're finally getting a Mass Effect game on the PS3 this January!!!!!

Even better, the PS3 edition will include all prior DLC upon it's release, saving a ton of money. Plus, free downloadable content is promised with access to the Cerebus Network.

I don't own an Xbox360, and my PC is incapable of running the game on high specs, so I've never had the pleasure of experiencing Mass Effect before. And I'm pretty damn excited! This was the only game that made me seethe withjealousy at 360 owners, this was the one 360 exclusive that I really, really wanted. And now it's finally coming and I can't wait.!