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Bogdan_N3xt Blog

Game Trailers

Game trailers on my Youtube channel, go check them out. My Channel LINK: & GameSpot Channel LINK:


First Review (Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse)

I just finished my first review. The subject: "Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse" and i know it's a old game but hey nobody offered to do a review on it (just kidding). Here is the link ( ). Hope you like the review and i am here so dont hesitate to comment. :D

Stubbs the Zombie

Level: 3 User and Sims 3: Ambitions

It's the 4-th day since i've created this account an I am a LEVEL: 3 user!? That's cool... oh and now I can review and comment on games. Sweeeet! And by the way, have you read the Sims 3: Ambitions interview? If not you should, here's the link (;thumb;5&mode=previews).

Sims 3 Ambitions

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

I just finished looking at the new Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Behind The Scenes trailer and it was just awesome. If you didn't saw it you have to, (here's the link:;thumb;1 ). Hope you like it!

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

First Blog Entry

Hy people! Yah, so... I have a GAMESPOT account. Right here you will se me blaber on about things, games, programs and many other things. So... YEY this is my first blog entry! (Did you sensed the enthusiasm?!?)