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Bogdan_N3xt Blog
First Review (Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse)
by Bogdan_N3xt on Comments
I just finished my first review. The subject: "Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse" and i know it's a old game but hey nobody offered to do a review on it (just kidding). Here is the link ( ). Hope you like the review and i am here so dont hesitate to comment. :D
Level: 3 User and Sims 3: Ambitions
by Bogdan_N3xt on Comments
It's the 4-th day since i've created this account an I am a LEVEL: 3 user!? That's cool... oh and now I can review and comment on games. Sweeeet! And by the way, have you read the Sims 3: Ambitions interview? If not you should, here's the link (;thumb;5&mode=previews).
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
by Bogdan_N3xt on Comments
I just finished looking at the new Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Behind The Scenes trailer and it was just awesome. If you didn't saw it you have to, (here's the link:;thumb;1 ). Hope you like it!
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