Bologa / Member

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Bologa Blog

What I might get this Christmas!

Well yeah college is done and I only have one exam to do (on the 20th *that sucks*) and then I am really done. What I am thinking of getting for Christmas is a Nintendo DS. But I don't really know what game to buy. There are a bunch of them that I want but I want one that I won't get bored due to repetitive things all the time (ex: Nintendogs). I wanted to know if any of you have any suggestions to make so that it might help me in my decision. Thanks in advance. Cya

New Post (Finally)

Hi all! I haven't been active at all these past months mainly because college has been keeping me busy. My days now consist of gaming and homework lol. I recently bought Counter-Strike Source which I really like. Now I can't wait for my brithday (Nov 12) because I will get money and I will buy FFXII which I can't wait to play. It's been a long wait but now it will be comming soon and I can't wait to get my hands on it. Well g2g to college now. I'll try to post more than once every two months lol.

I'm back

Sorry I wasn't online much but you shall see that I was quite occupied. I finally got my Final Fantasy VIII game so I played alot. I also bought Age of Mythology and The Titans expansion for my computer. And last but not least I finally got Final Fantasy VII Advent Children on DVD. This is such a great movie. The battles are intense and the story is a good follow up to the game. You should expect a review soon. I'll write my review for the movie in the PSP section because that is the only way to add the movie to my collection and to write a review that everyone can see. lol

PS3 Price!!!

WOW the PS3 is going to cost $600. I think it is way too much. I will not be buying the PS3 until there is a price drop (which will take a while). I would like to know what you guys think about that.

100 friends!

I now have 100 friends in my friends list. I want to thank everyone on my friends list because without you I would never be at 100. My next objective is to have 150. Well thanks again for those who have accepted my friend requests and thanks to those who have tracked me.

100 posts!

Yay I finally got 100 posts. It took me a long time but I finally reached it. Now my next goal is to get 200. I'll have to work on that now.

I ordered a new game today

Yes indeed today I ordered a new game.The game is Final Fantasy VIII. I can't wait to get it. I played it once but didn't get far because it was my friends game but, now it will be mine. I should get it next week.:)

My Header Image & Banner

I would like your opinion on my Header Image and Banner, the one with snake from MGS4 is the header image. Please leave your comments I would really appreciate it. Thanks P.S I did both of them using a program similar to photoshop.

The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time

A while back I decided to play Ocarina of Time on N64 and I decided to pass the game at 100%. I just finished this task today. I got all upgrades for my quiver,seed bag,nuts,sticks and bombs. I also sold all four masks to unlock all the other (including the mask of truth). I got the biggoron sword and i got the best gloves (gold gauntlets) and the best scale (golden scale). I also got the biggest magic bar possible. But what I am proud of is that I got all 20 hearts (including heart defence) and all the 100 spiders of the curse. Now I am going to pass Majoras Mask at 100%. Thats all for now.

One of the best day in my life.

Today is a great day. I just received a response from college saying that I am accepted. I am so happy. Finally I will start studying something that I want to do in life. The course that I am going in will be Computer Science & Technology. Well that is all for now.
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