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Gamers Instinct

Last night while checking my e-mail I discovered a new message from Gamespot regarding a program they have just started called Gamer's Instinct. Based on the information they provided I understand that this new program is a way for Gamespot to collect valuable market research data from gamers while giving gamers an opportunity to earn cash. My wife is always picking on me regarding the fact that I spend far too much money on my gaming habbit.Whenever there is an opportunity for me to do something that can fuel my habbit without taking from our regular budget she is all for it.

I registered with Gamer's Instinct ( this morning. It took about 10 minutes to wade through several pages of demographic questions. The questions are pretty basic and deal with the systems and types of games played and other basic information. Now that I am registered I have started earning credits. The program indicates that for every 1000 credits earned the credits can be redeamed for $50 in cash! I already have 50 credits just for registering and am chomping at the bit to find out what I need to do to earn more. As more information is made available to me I will discuss it here. If you are interested in the program go to the site I list above and check it out.