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Updates since new XBOX

Well a lot has happened since I got the box replaced. First of all the replacement box runs great. All of my discs play perfectly and there is no hesitation. I have also added a few games over the past couple of weeks. The latest in the Hunter series, Ghost Recon (gotta play it before I can get into GR2), Gladius, LoTR: The Two Towers (like the use of movie cut scenes!), and I also got the XBOX Music Mixer so I can do some nice slide shows (my wife and I are expecting a baby in March). I also finally sprung for a headset so I can talk on Live! and how awesome is that? I am used to Roger Wilco on the PC which works but not as well as communicator. I do admit that communicator isn't perfect in that I can't understand half of the players in big team battles but I image that is because they are jacking into the game from a great distance. So far all of my local friends sound like I am talking to them on the telephone and this is a big help. I have been playing Halo 2 alot and trying to bring up my stats. Mostly I have been in Big Team Battles and am just on the verge of making it to level 4. Since I didn't start playing XBOX games until a couple of weeks ago I think my skills have improved quickly. I am so used to playing with keyboard and mouse on games such as Battlefield 1942 that moving to the XBOX controller has definitely been an adjustment. Now if I can only get Metastat and Danero to get themselves boxes (I think they will do it any day now) then game nights will be awesome (especially when the baby is born). Iceman183 and I were playing yesterday and having a blast. I told him that we could play again this afternoon and I am hoping to catch Dragunfyre and SabreRattler online as well. Iceman183 said he would call Tiger Nation to see if he could jump in too so we might have enough for a really good clan battle.

Well my birthday is next Tuesday and I am hoping to pick up either some extra cash or EB gift cards so I can apply towards the PSP that I reserved for myself. I am not totally convinced that the PSP will be the be all, end all that it's hyped to be but even if it isn't the best game unit it will be great when Sony releases the movie converter so you can download movies to it. I record a lot of programs via my WinTV and it will be great to be able to download them onto the PSP so I can watch them anywhere. I also don't have an MP3 player (other than a portable CD) so that will be a handy feature as well. That doesn't mean I am not looking forward to the great games that are out and will be coming out. I am hoping (that is unless it is already available and I don't know it) that GTA series will be available. I don't have a PS2 so it would be nice if the game ports to the PSP so I can play it. I am also hoping that my brother in law gets one so I can play head to head with him.

Well I guess that is all for now. I will be adding more to my reviews of the games I own and when I get the PSP I will make sure to put up my comments about the thing.