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Bad Bad Man

I need cash. I need donations. Job-hunting kinda suck when one doesn't have stable transportation.

But aside from that, nothing important to write home about. Trying out the demo for Quake Wars and seeing what all the hype is about. IMO I still enjoy playing Battlefield a little more, but I still have some mindless fun with Quake (I haven't played a Quake game since... what, number TWO?!).

Went back to playing Contra Shattered Soldier for a whole minute. IF you don't have this title for the PS2 and is a Contra fan, GIT IT NOW. If you are not a fan of this game, you is a sissy, no joke.

Awesome stuff...still need to beat Final Fantasi XII, and oohh yeah, there's a nice chick that moved in next door recently...I might need to chat a little bit...