Went and saw myself some Transformers: The Movie. I had no clue that it was being released on the 3rd of July instead of the 4th (guess the prospect of money got to the filmmakers, eh?) So I went and saw it with some friends. My my my, brings me great pleasure to report that whether or not your are a fan of the series, you won't be dissapointed by this movie. I sure as hell wasn't (...and I haven't even seen the ORIGINAL Transformers animated movie...)
On other things, Battlefield still has its share of nubs, arguments on gamefaqs about whether Smash Brothers is a true fighting game (I never participate in those), and...after typing this, I'm gonna cook my some CHICKEN. Yes, I dun care, it is late, I am hungry. I will get some food in my guts before I implode.